Monday, November 21, 2011


As we all know, that the problems and challenges in entering the globalization of national education should be faced with the approach and methods in accordance with the conditions of society and the changing demands in the future.
Phenomena occurring in the world of education in this global era is always lagging behind when compared with developments in technology, information and business world. ''For the world of education has not always been able to develop themselves on the basis of income and the principle of efficiency alone. Education also carry a vision of humanity.''(Suyanto, 2008:2). Decentralization of education, there are many parties, especially schools and local governments, not to understand what should be done. Yet according to Law no. 32/2004 on Regional Government, a lot of things that should be a task in managing primary and secondary education. That is related to the management, budget, curriculum, supervision, evaluation, career coaching teachers, quality control, and the establishment of schools.
The organization is a gathering place for many people to perform activities in order to achieve common goals. Given the organization is made up of many people, then of course its institutions should be subject to the rule or regulation is adhered to in the organization. Without regulation, not the organization. Because of that no arrangement is capital for disunity or disorganization (chaos). That rule can be through a system of democratic deliberation or through keterpimpinan by a figure who is respected and obeyed.
Given the importance of setting in the organization, an organization should try to govern themselves well. Enter the members discussed together. Board delivered with a good idea to members, so that they understand, understand and are willing and able to carry out the regulations of the organization. Organizations also can not run properly, even degenerate, when his team is not solid, that is, they are not subject to the line setting or policy organization.
Current general terms, between each other like "SMS", "glad to see someone difficult or impossible to see other people happy", his mind was always dirty. Because he did not receive an achievement of his team members and champions. Instead he was delighted when his wretched (hard) Trust in the Indonesian language is defined as a trust or a trust is the core of the progress of the organization, following the success of its objectives. Without trust then there is the destruction of the organization. The concept of trust itself in the religion of Islam is said to be a mandate. Amanah as the mental attitude required by religion to borne in organizational and leadership activities. Almost certainly happen anyway, when there is no mental mandate, even hypocritical attitude that comes up then oerganisasi be chaotic. Because within the organization is not solid, if there are certain togetherness togetherness that only a camouflage, because it all wrapped up by hypocrisy.
Education in the context of efforts to reconstruct a civilization is one of the needs (services) required by the rights and obligations that each human being shall be borne by the state in order to form a community who have an understanding and ability to perform the functions of life in harmony with nature and be able to develop life better than any subsequent time to time. Education is basically an attempt by humans to be able to acquire knowledge and skills in order to meet their survival, which would not be meaningful if it is not tailored to the needs and conditions of existing Problems of Education in Indonesia.
Education is still believed to be a process capable of pumping the productive forces of our nation. Productive labor (productive / Pre 'daktiv force / fo: s) is a community's ability to produce a form of action and good products that are economical, technological and intellectual. Generally people's earning power more widely known as a science and technology. As society increasingly making progress in science and technology, in which many individuals who have the ease of living, welfare, and convenience to express their humanity. In the face of these social developments, UNESCO tried to accommodate the social demands of education by asserting pillars recommended in education, namely: learning / leuning to learn, learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, learning to live together. In Indonesia, the pillars are yet to be confirmed, even from the viewpoint of discourse have still not heard. Whereas the principle of education is very comprehensive and if it can be applied correctly and consistently will be able to make students become beings who in addition to master the information and knowledge also have moral responsibilities of the Indonesian nation. Pupils do not just have to have knowledge, but also able to apply them in society. In addition, they also must be able to see the ultimate reality. As such, they must also be able to engage directly in the community.
As happens every year, towards the turn of the new school year, the issue of expensive education back sticking out. Of course, expensive education is not something desired by most people, especially among the grassroots. For the upper middle class, perhaps expensive education is not a problem, even considered as reasonable as it may be that the demands of globalization. ''How could quality if not expensive ", they said. In fact, children conglomerate, is rarely a school in the country, which he considered''cheap'', but preferred to study abroad, or schools in the country belonging to the elite and begs nice and comfortable. For the economy up, the child of the conglomerates and officials, of course, education is not only to improve the economic status (vertical mobility), but more significantly as a prestige lifestyle or affirmation, to expand cultural knowledge to be commensurate with the Western culture which is considered as a benchmark of cultural and civilization. Cultural perceptions such as this can take a look at the artist-celebrities, a representation of the upper classes, among whose life is dedicated to celebrating the''lifestyle''(life skills) as a reflection of class consciousness that dominate the economy. Unlike the majority of the poor who in kesehariannnya must face a difficult time in meeting the needs of life. For the down economy, education is not just a means of social prestige, but more as a means of upward social mobilization, namely to improve the skill in order to generate better economic income. Education is to condition the knowledgeable and skilled labor as capital to be sold to the job market so that it will earn more than people who are not educated and who rely solely on physical exertion, such as workers, peasants, and others.
As reported by Human Development Index (HDI) or the Human Development Index in 2003, Indonesia is in the order of 112 (.682) from 175 countries. This position is far below Singapore at the 28th position (.888); Brunei Darussalam to-31 (.872); Malaysia 58th (0.790), Thailand 74th (0.768), and Filipinos all 85 (.751) . How pathetic! In this connection, the quality of education also relates to equity of access and lack of budget allocation. The second thing that makes the education to be expensive, so the brain must be moved to the knee, not in the head.
Pendidiikan always be trusted to shape society in order to become a person who can participate in development. However, these ideals seem to be very far away when we see what happens in everyday life. The aspiration to create a better human being as if it is an illusion. In fact, we stutter face of rapid change. And education could not answer at all that tendency. Government policy in education actually restrict people's access to get it. Policy of privatization of education has been discriminated against people in getting an education, only the moneyed class of people who can attend school and receive education. Clearly the assumptions used is a philosophy of injustice. Compensation fund fuel price increases for education and health will not be effective enough to reduce the impact of privatization of education has done well in advance and will also be able to pay the impoverishment of the people due to rising fuel prices and then followed by other prices, as well as other policy . In conditions like that worst-educated, productive power of the people as the energy is expected to build the nation's progress.
In fact, pessimism towards school education or who are unable to change the state of life has long made, including by educational experts themselves. Even the schools are considered only to make the younger generation shackled and fooling the public. They are apathetic, it's not just an ordinary person, but also philosophers and historical figures. Everett Reimer stated that''school / SKU: l is dead '/ ded', and Ivan Illich initiated the''deschooling / dischooling society''/. A number of other initiators also threw their pessimism on the school institution. Top books or best sellers seperrti of Robert T Kiyosaki (2000) banwa:''If you want to be rich / ritj and happy / Jam, do not go / Gou to School''(if you want to be rich and happy do not school), and''Rich dad, poor / Pua dad also voiced pessimism over the formal schools that are currently difficult to reach by the people. In Indonesia, Andrias Marefa (2002) writes,''School is never enough'', and '' Success without a degree. Darmaningtyas write : about that impoverish'' 'Education,''Education''broken-damage; Edy Zageus wrote''If you want rich, doing school'', and so on.
The problem is, no matter where education never stand alone without dialectically related to the environment and social system where education is held. Nonetheless, education has always trusted to shape society in order to become a person who can participate productively and creatively in the development. Education strategy should be chosen so as to create the systems and methods of education are able to answer the question, and not just a supporter of the economic system - not politics that is now increasingly siding with the people and away from the humanity of individuals in it.
Currently, when the system is still broken''''the damage, the interest of parents to send their child is still very large. This happens because education is a basic need for every human being is a necessity. However, some parents tormented by the fact that there are high entry fee. In fact, some are also forced to suppress the desire to send their children. The reason they use, but find it impossible to be able to finance their children, because the assumption that the more people go to school was also not able to change things. Character and conduct of the political elite and governments are still suffering to the people added to the belief of the people that many smart people and high school was also never raised the nation's condition is good, it even adds to damage and suffering of the people.
It seems unnecessary wisdom and knowledge gained from school. In fact, the school only features luxurious buildings but commercialized. Educational model that is also alienated from the reality of public school community. Is not, therefore, to be smart and knowledgeable people who can face the future and not have to go to school. An anthropologist from Norway, Oyind Sandbukt, who had conducted research among the Kubu tribe in Jambi reveal about the socialization, the transmission of knowledge about the life of one generation to the next. Shown by the anthropologists that the tribes are considered primitive or isolated proved to have an amazing knowledge about their environment in tropical forests. In this case, knowledge that has become one package to be ready to live in the wilderness, must be obtained through a long learning process and confirmed in the''curriculum''. When some people this faction 'resettled' like in general, then they suddenly deprived of life's deepest roots. Rural children, rural, fishing, partly in the city, the outskirts of the children who escaped the attention of the curriculum. They are accustomed to learning by doing.
Extreme view that we do not need schools certainly can not be seen as pessimism, but should be viewed as a critique on our education. Social reality should be included in the educational world. That is, everyone should be able to go to school and everyone should be able to mengeskpresikan interest in education. Education must be owned by the community, without the boundaries of class, race, religion, or physical form (defect or not). Essentially, to improve education begins by opening the education community for the community to the true reality of education is able to see what happens, then give the answer to the problem. Integrating social reality into education practice will make the output of education is not merely memorize and know a lot of information knowledge, but also be able to provide practical value of information obtained. This is consistent with the expression of Paulo Freire (1972) which asserts that teaching is not just transferring knowledge by rote. Teaching can not be reduced to teaching students, but teach a new function when students learn to learn (learn to learn). That is, students are able to learn the reason (why) of the object and the contents are studied. Students learn to be creative and independent. They have to translate and explain the real problem facing both himself and society.
To free ourselves from the shackles of oppression long learning model, it is necessary dimumculkan this educational model. To students not only given an example, the theory as well as the formula, but also accompanied by a variety of behavioral understanding. Translating content and content into the social reality will be the entry point of the so-called Freire as the education of the problem (problem / prablem possing / posem education / edju 'keijen). For what if there are humanitarian issues of education remained entrenched in the earth.
Problem of dynamics and patterns of educational organizations productively, especially in Indonesia of which are grouped based on three things:

1. Performance and Welfare of Teachers Not Optimal
Welfare of teachers is an important aspect that must be considered by the government in supporting the creation of improved performance among educators. Undang-Undang Number : 14/2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, article 14 to 16 mentions on the Rights and Obligations of them, that the rights of teachers in gaining income is above the subsistence minimum and social welfare, get promotions and awards, various facilities to improve competence, various allowances such as professional allowance, functional, special allowances for teachers in special areas, as well as various additional benefit to the welfare
Teachers as educational staff also has a central role in the implementation of an educational system. As a job, of being a teacher is also expected to obtain adequate compensation for the necessities of life. In the theory of motivation, provision of appropriate reward and punishment is a matter that can affect the performance and quality in work, including the need for welfare benefits for educators in order to improve the quality and the quality of education that still sinking. In terms of benefits, it is proper humane teacher an allowance to meet the various needs of life given the role of a teacher who was so heavily in trying to educate a generation.
2. The Conventional Learning Process
In terms of implementation of the learning process, as long as these schools provide education to all the limitations that exist. This is influenced by the availability of infrastructure, availability of funds, as well as the ability of teachers to develop models for effective learning. In Government Regulation No. 19/2005 on national education standards mentioned in articles 19 to 22 on the standard of the educational process, that process of learning in the educational unit organized in an interactive, inspiring, exciting, challenging, motivating learners to actively participate and provide enough space for innovation, creativity, and independence in accordance with the talents, interests, and physical and psychological development of learners. The existence of exemplary educators, the planning, implementation, evaluation, and supervision of effective and efficient in the learning process.

3. Number And Quality Book That Not Sufficient
Availability of quality books is one of the most important educational infrastructure needed to support the success of the educational process. As in PP No. 19/2005 on SNPs in article 42 of the Standard Facilities and Infrastructure stated that each unit of education is required to have facilities which include furniture, educational equipment, educational media, books and other learning resources, consumables, and other necessary equipment to support the learning process is orderly and sustainable (paragraph 1).
Problems Teachers In Indonesia
In education, the existence of the role and function of teachers is one very significant factor. The teacher is an important part in teaching and learning, both in the formal education, informal and nonformal. Therefore, in any effort to improve the quality of education in this country, teachers can not be released from a variety of issues related to their existence.
Socio-cultural philosophy of education in Indonesia, has put the function and role of teachers so that teachers are not uncommon in Indonesia has been in the position it has a dual role even multi-function. They are in demand not only as educators to be able to transform the values of science, but also as moral guardians of their students. Even sometimes, teachers are regarded as the second person, after the students' parents in the education process globally. Currently there are at least four things related to the problems faced by teachers in Indonesia, namely: first, issues of quality / quality of teachers, second, the number of teachers who felt still less, the third, the problem of distribution of teachers and teachers' welfare issues.
Teacher Quality Problem
Indonesian teacher quality, as is presumably very alarming. Based on data in 2002/2003, from 1.2 million elementary school teachers today, only 8.3% of them are level scholar. The reality of this kind, will ultimately affect the quality of students produced. Not to mention the problem, where a teacher (especially elementary), often teach more than one subject (classroom teachers) are not uncommon, are not the core of its knowledge, something like this can certainly lead to the learning process to be not optimal or less productively.
Number of Teachers Who Still Less
Number of teachers in Indonesia is still felt less, when linked with a number of existing students. Therefore, the number of students per class by the number of teachers that are available today, felt still less proportionate, so that not infrequently the wailing classes often fill in more than 30 students. A figure that is far from ideal for a process of learning and teaching that is considered effective. Ideally, each class is filled no more than 15-20 students to ensure quality teaching and learning process of the maximum.
Teacher Distribution Issues
Problem of uneven distribution of teachers, is a separate issue in education in Indonesia. In remote areas, still often we hear of a shortage of teachers in an area, either for security reasons as well as other factors, such as problems with facilities and welfare of teachers who were deemed to be much expected.
Teacher Welfare Issues
It's not common knowledge, that the welfare of our teachers are very apprehensive. Income of teachers, is seen still far from sufficient, especially for those who still existed as teacher aides or teachers. Conditions such as these, has stimulated some of the teachers to look for additional income, regardless of their fundamental duty as a teacher, including doing business in the school where they teach. Increased teacher kesejahteaan reasonable, it can increase profesinalisme teachers, including teachers can prevent business practices in schools.
Role of Teacher Education In The World
Daoed Yoesoef states: “ that a teacher has three main tasks of professional duties, human duties, and civic duty (sivic mission). If the associated discussion about culture, then the first task relates hear the logic and aesthetics, second and third tasks related to ethics”. Professional duties of a teacher that is continuing or the transmission of knowledge, skills and other values that kind of unknown children and should be known by the child. Human tasks are tasks help students to meet the main tasks and the human future with the best. Human tasks that are self-transformation, self-identification and understanding of oneself. Business help in this direction should be given within the framework of understanding that humans live in a single organic unit in the overall integralitasnya such as those described above. This means that the first and second task should be implemented in a comprehensive and integrated
Quality is a subjective and relative term which can be interpreted in various ways in which each definition can be supported by an equally good argument. Quality can be defined broadly as the aggregate characteristics of the products or services that satisfy the needs of consumers / customers. Quality characteristics can be measured quantitatively and qualitatively. In education, quality is a successful learning process fun and enjoyment. Subscribers can include those that direct the recipient of products and services or those who will feel the benefits of products and services.
Sense of autonomy in education is not fully get an agreement of understanding and implementation. But at least, can be understood as a form of delegation of authority such as the acceptance and management of learners and teaching staff / non-academic staff, curriculum development and teaching materials, as well as the determination of academic standards. In its application in schools, for example, at least that the teacher / teachers should be given the rights of a profession that has authority in the classroom, and not merely as the representative of the bureaucracy on top.
Accountability is defined as the ability to produce outputs and outcomes that satisfy the customer. Accountability requires equivalence between goals that institution with the reality in terms of norms, ethics and values (values), including all programs and activities implemented. This requires transparency (openness) of all parties involved and accountability for the use of all resources.

Accreditation A control from the outside through the evaluation process of the development of quality educational institutions. Results of accreditation needs to be known by the public that shows the position of the institution concerned in producing a quality product or service. Implementation of accreditation conducted by a competent authority.
Evaluation is a systematic effort to collect and process information that lead to the conclusion about the value, benefits, and performance of educational institutions or work units evaluated, then use the results of these evaluations in decision-making and planning. Evaluation can be done internally or externally.
To be able to produce quality, according to Slamet (1999) there are four fundamental business needs to be done in an educational institution, namely:
1.     Creating a situation of "win-win" (win-win solution) and not the situation 'lose-win "between the parties concerned with educational institutions (stakeholders). In this case, especially among leaders of institutions with agency staff must take place conditions that mutually benefit from each other in achieving the quality of products / services produced by that institution.
2.     Grown the need to develop the intrinsic motivation to everyone involved in the process of reaching quality. Each person in the educational institutions must grow the motivation that results reach certain quality activities that increase continuously, especially in accordance with the needs and expectations of users / customers.
3.     Every leader should be oriented on the process and long-term results. Implementation of integrated quality management in education is not a process of change in the short term, but long-term effort that is consistent and continuous.
4.     In moving all the educational institutions the ability to achieve the specified quality, should be developed cooperation between the elements of process agents achieve quality results. Do not be among them there is competition that interferes with the process of achieving quality results. They are entities that must work together and can not be separated from one another to produce a quality as expected.
To face the challenges and problems of national education which is very heavy today, would not want education to be held by managers and leaders who are able to face various challenges and problems that exist, both at macro and micro level in school.
Here are described briefly about 20 businesses increase productivity dynamics and educational institutions
Able to Inspire Through The Contagious Enthusiasm
Education should be managed seriously, therefore the managers (leaders) education should be able to demonstrate enthusiasm and sincerity in carrying out all duties and his job. Zeal and earnestness in the work is then transmitted to everyone in the organization, so they can work with passion and besungguh it.
Has Integrity And The Ethical Standards High
Mastery of ethical standards and integrity are highly valued by their managers or leaders of education is not only related to the interests of the leadership in the organization, but also can not be separated from the nature of education itself. Education is an attempt to create human beings who have ethical standards and honesty. Therefore, education is supposed to be held by the managers (leaders) who have a standard of ethics and honesty are high, so in turn everyone in the organization may have standards of ethics and honesty.
Have a High Energy Level
Take care of education is not really deal with things that are simple, because the business contained therein to prepare a generation that will take the baton viability of a bangsa.di the future. Educational failure is the failure continuation of a generation. Energy needed to take care of education and high motivation of the managers and educational leaders. Education requires managers (leaders) who have the fortitude, endurance (endurance) and high sacrifice in managing education.

Have Courage and Commitment
Current educational environment that is always confronted with change, which demands the courage of the managers (leaders) of education to make changes in order to adapt to demand changes. In addition, educational need managers (leaders) who have a high commitment to their work. Her presence as a manager (leader) really can make a significant contribution to the progress of the organization, the foundation of his love of education.
Creativity Has A High Level And be Unconventional
Current issues and challenges facing the education is very complex, so demanding in ways that the settlement would have been impossible through conventional means. Managers (leaders) who have high creativity education leads to a variety of innovations in educational practices, both at the level manjerialnya itself and innovations in the practice of student learning.
In goal-oriented, Realistic, however
Different educational goals with objectives in other areas. Therefore, a manager (leader) must understand the educational goals of education. Under kepemimpinnanya, all efforts should be directed to the organization's educational goals by executing management functions and all its substance. Achievement of educational goals realistically drawn, with the expectation that affordable by organizations, not too low nor too high.
Organizations That Have High Ability
Educational activities are activities that involve many components, in which requires organizing efforts appropriately and adequately. How to optimize the existing human resources, curriculum and learning how to optimize, how to optimize resources, and how to optimize the environment are the important things in education that must be organized in such a way that requires special skills of the managers (leaders) to organize education.
Able to Develop Priorities
So many activities to do in education so that the demands of managers (leaders) education to be able to pick and choose what is important and should be implemented immediately and which ones can be delayed or may be ignored. The ability of managers (leaders) in setting priorities will be education related to the effectiveness and efficiency of education.
Encouraging Teamwork And Selflessness, The Organized Effort
Activities and education are very complex problem unlikely to be resolved in solitary and partial. Manager (leader) education should be able to cooperate with various parties, both located in the internal and external environment. Similarly, the manager (leader) education should be able to encourage his subordinates to cooperate with the team work to form a compact and intelligent, and can put the interests of the organization above personal interests.
Have Confidence And Will Have High Interest in Knowledge
Problems and challenges of education is not simple, requiring the managers (leaders) education can have a strong self confidence. In a sense, he believes that he has the ability and the ability to solve existing problems. He also has a belief that what he is doing can be justified legally, socially, morally and intellectually. Strong self-confidence does not mean he necessarily becomes an "over confidence", leads to arrogance and considered trivial others .. In addition, education has long been regarded as an intellectual activity. Therefore, a manager (leader) education should be able to demonstrate a high intellect, with a strong interest in knowledge, good knowledge of the managerial, knowledge about the development of general education knowledge even more.
Appropriate and alert mentally and physically
Managerial tasks and work readiness education is complex and requires mental and physical toughness of educational managers. Such a heavy workload and beyond its capacity which can interfere with mental and physical health. In order to run the organization well, one manager (leader) education should be able to keep and maintain physical and mental health is excellent. In addition, the manager (leader) education should be able to pay attention to mental and physical health of all members of the organization.
Be Fair And Respect Other People
In educational organizations involve many diverse characteristics, the personality, beliefs, perspectives, knowledge, skills, experience and so forth. All of them should be treated and placed proportionally by the manager (leader). Managers (leaders) have to look at education and diversity makes these characteristics as a force in the organization, not vice versa.
Rewarding Creativity
To improve the quality of education needed a touch of creativity from everyone involved in it. Not only menajer (leaders) who are required to think creatively, but everyone in the organization must be grown creativity. Creative thinking is usually different in ways of thinking in general. In this case, the manager (leader) education should be able to accommodate the creative minds of everyone in the organization, which might have different thoughts to the point of view it has.
Enjoying Taking Risks
When the decision to change and innovate has been taken and all the risks have been carefully calculated. But in implementation, it is impossible not appear the things that taste out of suspicion before, so in this case, the manager (leader) of education must still show calmness, confidence and trying to control the risks that arise. If it must deal with a failure, the manager (leader) education should still be able to demonstrate its responsibility, without having to look for scapegoats of failure. Next, learn from the experience of such failure for improvement in times to come.
Develop Long-Term Growth
Educational activity is not the event but has a time dimension that far ahead. A manager (leader) of education is required to prove the results of work that has been achieved during his leadership, but also must be able to provide a solid foundation for the development of the organization, far ahead after he had completed his term. The tendency to practice "scorched earth policy" should be avoided. The term "scorched earth policy" here is the dirty practices that do managers (leaders) of education at the end of his tenure, for example by spending budget in the middle of the road, or changing the organizational structure which can inadvertently cause chaos in the organization, so pass on the problem- new problems for managers (leaders) who succeeded him.

Open To Challenges And Questions
Being a manager (leader) education means he will be faced with a number of challenges and problems to be faced, which ranged from mild to very severe nature at all. All of that is not to be avoided or delayed, but to be resolved completely.
Not Afraid To Challenge And Questioning
In addition to be able to solve the problems that already exist (current problems) completely, a manager (leader) of education should have the courage to bring up new challenges and problems, which reflect innovation in organizations. Thus, the manager (leader) education is not just implement the standard work routines and standards, but also bring something innovative to the progress of the organization.
Encourage understanding of the depth For Many People
Educational activity requires every person in the organization can understand the purpose, content and strategy to be developed within the organization. Manager (leader) of education shall ensure that every person in the organization can understand it clearly, so that everyone can memamahi roles, responsibilities and contributions of each in the organization. In addition, the manager (leader) education should be able to develop each person in the organization to do the deed so that organizational learning education truly become a learning organization.
Open To Ideas And A New View
The views are mistaken if education is viewed as a monotonous and routine activities. Education should be delivered many innovations that are not needed for educational purposes only itself but also the interests of outside education. To give birth to innovation, the manager (leader) education should be open to new ideas and new views, both of which come from internal or external, especially the ideas and views which originate from the service user (customer) education.
Acknowledging Mistakes And Adapt To Change
The underlying assumption is the manager (leader) education is a human, not infallible. If you make a mistake, a manager (leader) of education should have the courage to admit mistakes without having to sacrifice the other party or seek scapegoats. Evaluate and correct any errors in times to come. If indeed he did a very fatal mistake, whether moral, social, and juridical or even he too often make mistakes may be the best is the self-awareness that he did not really fit with the tasks and jobs diembannnya, and that is the best choice for themselves and the organization.
The role of teachers is expected because the teacher is to guide and friend dialogue for students, not just the person in charge dictates. Globalization is waiting, let the students know the kids enjoy the freedom of the world with diversity. Let us encourage them to boost productive forces and creativity in the face of the pengglobalan (not penggombalan). So a bit of thinking that I can convey, hopefully be useful for solving problems facing the nation and beloved country. At the very least, become the input to the problem of our education in the face of global challenges, which ultimately the quality of education we would be equivalent to the countries in various parts of the world.
Through education teachers should be able to help students to develop the power of thinking or reasoning in such a way as to be able to participate creatively in the process of cultural transformation toward civility for the sake of improving his own life and the lives of the entire community where he lives. The task of society is a consequence of teachers as a good citizen, helped carry out and implement what has been outlined by the state and nation through the 1945 Constitution and the Guidelines of State Policy.
The task of teachers is when viewed in terms of students then the teacher must provide the values that contains the knowledge of the past, present and future, the option value of life and communication practices. The knowledge that we give to the students should be able to make the students were eventually able to choose the values of life are more complex and must be able to make their students communicate with others in the community, therefore, these students will not live in seclusion. We know the way people communicate with others not only through language but can also through the motion, the form of dance, voice (songs, singing), can be through the colors and lines (the paintings), through a form of engraving, or through symbols and signs are usually called formulas.
By upgrading the quality of education is expected graduates will be better able to be educational staff who can carry out their duties properly. The work is done properly, accompanied by appropriate education and skills that will promote the progress of each business, which in turn will increase revenue, either individual, group and national levels. The role of each vareabel against the ups and downs as well as productivity is not fixed but dynamic.
Mobilize all the educational institution's ability to achieve the specified quality, should be developed cooperation between the elements of process agents achieve quality results. Do not be among them there is competition that interferes with the process of achieving quality results. They are entities that must work together and can not be separated from one another to produce a quality as expected.
To face the challenges and problems of national education which is very heavy today, would not want education to be held by managers and leaders who are able to face various challenges and problems that exist, both at macro and micro level in school among them
Enjoy taking risks, Valuing creativity, Develop long-term growth, open to challenge and question, is not afraid to challenge and question, Encouraging a deep understanding for many people, open to new ideas and new views, Admitting mistakes and adapt to change, Be justice and respect for others, Match and mentally alert and physically, has a confidence and have a high interest for knowledge, encourage teamwork and unselfish efforts of organized, Able to set priorities, has a high organizational skills, goal-oriented , but realistic, has a high level of creativity and being unconventional, has the courage and commitment, has a high energy level, has a standard of ethics and high integrity, able to inspire through enthusiasm are contagious.


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Soyomukti, Conscience. 2008. Education Globalization Perspective. Jogjakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media.
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Vembriarto, ST. 1990. Sociology of Education. Jogjakarta: Andi Offset.
Wen, Sayling. 2003. Future of Education: The Future of Education. Batam Centre: Lucky Publishers.
Udin Saefudin Sa'ud, Ph.D.2008. Educational Innovation.
Alan J. Rowe, 2004. Generating Innovation Potential in Yourself and Your Organization
Prof. Dr. Made Pidarta .1997. Platform for Education


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