Sunday, October 9, 2011
Family Education in the Context of Social Change
11:04 PM | Posted by
saiful |
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Social change comes from the English term that referred to social change, some experts define social changes such as Laurel (1989), Wan Hashim (in Garna: 1992) is followed by Anwar (2007:51) mentions that social change as a change in the social phenomenon various levels of human life, ranging from individual level to world level. Social change as adjustments applicable to the distribution patterns of interaction between individuals as a social unit within a society.
Another sense according to sociological theory that social change is: "social change is the significant alteration of social structure through time". (Harper CL.1986: 5) that changes in social structures that occur concerning aspects of social roles, groups, organizations, institutions (which also contains the family), and the community. While the levels of these changes from the level of: a) individual (personal), b) concerning the parts of the social structure, c) changes concerning the function of social structure.
Closer to understanding the discussion of family education in the context of social change put forward by Smith (1971) in Zaltman and Duncan (1977:8) states that social change is: "... social change as the differentiation, Reintegration, and adaptation of social systems, and other terms according to the theory of social psychology Triandis (1972) states :"... social change is a new set of social relationships and social os behaviors That Is most Likely to lead to rewards ". (Zaltman and Duncan, 1977: 4-5).
Social systems that occur in the family dynamic and experienced ongoing changes in relation to the institution either family functioning or behavior change will involve elements that exist within the family. Behavioral changes in the social structure related to institutional innovation in the context (renewal) that social change has a purpose for the development of social structures that exist, so that will happen as Rogers and Shoemaker (1971) in Zaltman and Duncan (1986:7) that :"... as the level of knowledge and adoption in a increase of social systems, there is acummulatively Increasing pressure on the nonadopter to aim of adopting ... "
The process of adoption in soaial system changes, due to changes in the behavior of either individual or group of people because of the innovations of the individual institutions as part of a community group or due to social pressures that arise in the vicinity. Along with the adoption process, social change itself occurs in two types according to Bhola in (Lippittt: 1973), quoted Zaltman and Duncan, namely: "a) trasmitted social change-evolutionary change That Occurs without deliberate guidance, and b) transformed social change Pls Occurs individuals, groups, and Organizations change themselves or the other through conscious actions or decisions ". (Zaltman and Duncan: 1997:8)
The first type of social change or social change that is transmitted through the transmission process that occurs slowly but surely there is social change through educational activities, social changes in social structures caused by lack of innovation among one of its forms is through educational activities, both the education that occurs in a small institution of a family or larger social institutions, like schools and education that occur in society ..
Tilaar, HAR, (1999: 28) asserts that the function of education is :"... a process that fosters the existence of learners who socialized, entrenched in the governance dimension of life locally, nationally and globally ".
The dimensions of governance in local, national and global level, the essence is the result of the acculturation of educational activities aimed to realize the purpose of elevating life of the country and the people and the most important is to overcome ignorance and poverty.
Form of social change in the form of one of the cultural contents according Koentjaraningrat in Tilaar H.AR. (1999: 68), namely: "... livelihood systems ...", life ... is the foundation of the praxis of education then not only the entire educational process berjiwakan national culture, but also all the elements of culture should be introduced in the educational process ", which gives them about learning life skills (livelihood alive ) in family life.
Education has a functional relationship with other areas of life outside the education system, because the aspect of education is the foundation stone of progress and social change (culture) that occur in society. Through the educational activities of individuals or citizens and the nation grow towards a better quality of life that is prosperous, because the higher level of education and experience received by the individual, the higher the spirit of life and social changes desired one of them is the ability and knowledge of the settlement of problems facing the economic life.
One among several functional aspects that can be influenced by the activity patterns of family life education is, that with adequate family education can make internal changes to improve the well-being and fulfillment for ourselves and other family members. Internal changes in domestic life involves living parents or children affected externally to close relatives, neighbors and the neighborhood.
Likewise the social changes that occur in society have an impact on the family environment. Lie A. (2004:1): "... changes that occur in society and the impact of changes in the structure, as well as the values in the family ".
Family education as an educational institution must be able to pass normative systems and instilling knowledge, beliefs, ideas, and cultural value system of society where a family took place. Educational efforts in family life should consider and harmonize environmental conditions, in addition to education in family life can provide insight into the science and concepts of social value that is always evolving and changing so the impact on social change in society itself.
Social change in the fast paced society demands more intensive educational role in order to influence the pattern of changes that occur in society, and therefore family education should emphasize the development of capabilities include:
a. ability to approach global issues with the multidisciplinary capability
b. ability to select such a heavy flow of information, to then be used in everyday life
c. ability to link events to each other creatively
d. improve the independence of children as economic level personal life and family life higher.
... Wahyudin I., (2008:19)
Education of responcibilities in the family encourages the child to have the ability and understanding of the problems of life which is too complex, because the social changes faced by the society takes place when individuals are unable seporadis understand swift currents of change. Parents are required to provide real understanding and experience of everyday life experience of overcoming the problems of the economic needs of families that earn a living to support his family. The task of earning a living is not just rely on the potential in the surrounding environment, but when it did not find anything around him, the experience of migration or migrate out of the region of origin can be transmitted to children.
Family life education contains the normative values to prepare children to live in society and able to put himself in a good social bonds. Therefore the task of family education is to equip children with religious beliefs and social norms, Lie A (2004:1) "... globalization has brought many advances as well as bringing social ills ... "Education conducted a parent families are required to always reflect and reinforce the role and function as a figure of a wise and know enough ways to care for and educate children. The task of selecting parents in such a torrential flow of information is so that children can reflect on the choices parents the information provided, and further can be used in everyday life.
Child's ability to choose good information from the surrounding environment, face problems, and negative phenomena, then by the ability of the child can act and behave in accordance with the views of self and personality to make her social changes were deemed incompatible with her.
Event or incident either a positive or negative requires the ability to face both creative, creativity in the form of behavior and positive attitude so that events that occur can be learned are important elements in order to develop an increasingly competitive life, full of challenges and barriers caused of the individual's own self or caused by external factors as the inability to cope and avoid it so unable to compete with others.
The pattern of family life in both parents and children with soft skills that grow in family life can be utilized to deal with situations, events and social facts that are less favorable. Examples of the lives of children in less-favored agricultural land, barren, and penghasilanyya was not able to meet the needs of everyday life. Thus the attitude of positive behavior that can be used as capital to face the challenges of life, like children do not complain and apathetic attitude toward events in the social fact of existing. But being creative and trying to get out of an unpleasant environment and trying to find a new environment that is more prospective in laying out a productive life.
Education in the household environment has a major responsibility in developing self-reliance in the economic field, the values are relative is never lost in the learning environment at home is the adoption of economic values in the family. Parents or the father and mother are not directly provide learning activities that can be replicated economy by children, these activities are activities for a living to support his children and family members is a direct learning model that can provide experience, knowledge and shaping the values of life, and vocational competencies in economics.
Vocational competence and independence of a person in connection with the family and parents, its features can be seen as argued by Lehman, Clark, Bullis, Rinkin, & Castellanos, (2002); Halpern, (1985) in D. Unruh, Kirk TP, and Yamamoto S., (2009), namely: ".... In general societal expectations of all youth as They manage the trajectory to Adulthood are to: (a) live independently, (b) Establish a career path, (c) Obtain and maintain competitive employment and / or continuing education, and (d) engage in healthy social relationships and leisure activities.
The results of family life education viewed from an economic perspective that the educational activities undertaken by the father's mother is shaping behavior and attitudes and personality of moving towards maturity is essential either physically or psikhis, maturity is psikhis be known if the children can be separated and independent from the life parent households. Children have the ability to make ends meet, have an income, and can determine their own future that it faces.
Independence of children facing various life situations and economic problems in the community itself can be formed if the mother's father in family life can be:
a. Growing develop knowledge and skills of family economics, that adopting the model of economic education in formal schools that can be applied in family education, that children can economic literacy, namely: "... use to MOTIVATE a pedagogy for active learning:" the process of education is self-development ... learning is truly meaningful only taken Pls Their knowledge and made it own ", by familiaryzing student with the process of applying knowledge to every Situations, then requiring then to practice the skill ..." (Mathews LG., 1999:4) Simply put parents in providing learning and entrepreneurial economy by providing games that relate to the family economy, providing literature on economic activity and give the task of writing together, or tasks in the environment are related to family needs.
b. Provide opportunities and assistance for entrepreneurial family practice, a way to cultivate children's creativity in understanding the ins and family economic life. This activity is essentially an instrument that was developed in the education of families so that children have life skills. The main purpose of these life skills are: "... a) provide job skills, and b) encourage the child to be able to nurture entrepreneurial self ..." (Suryadi A., 2009:136).
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D. Unruh, Kirk TP, and Yamamoto S., (2009), Perceived barriers and protective factors of juvenile offenders on Their developmental pathway to Adulthood, Journal of Correctional Education 60.3 (Sept 2009): P201 (24). Available: Web. 8http: / / / GTX / ProdID = SPJ.SP01 & Usergroup Name = kpt07065.
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- saiful
- Active as a lecturer at universities, training facilitator, activist participatory action research.
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