Monday, November 21, 2011
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saiful |
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Information technology (information technology) and communication began to develop rapidly in the early years of the 1980s. The rapid development of technology is supported by the rapid development of the processor (chip) that serves as the brain of a personal computer (Personal Computer).
The development of hardware technology was followed by progress in the fields of software, although its development is far behind the development of hardware. At first, processors and software designed for a stand-alone personal computer (stand alone PC). However, in line with its development, these PCs can eventually be integrated via a network (network) physically. So now we know different types of networks that integrate multiple PCs. Tissue samples that we often encounter is the Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), and the Internet. The Internet is one popular type of network used, because the Internet is an information technology that is able to dial-in to computers around the world, allowing information from various types and forms of information can be used together. When this has been a lot of private companies in Indonesia that provides Internet connection services, for example IndoInternet, NEW YORK, D-Net, Idol, and others.
Information Technology is a technology used to process data, including processing, obtain, compile, store, manipulate data in various ways to produce quality information, ie information that is relevant, accurate and timely, which is used for personal, business, and government and is a strategic information for decision making. This technology uses a computer to process data, the network system to connect one computer to another computer as needed, and telecommunications technology is used so that data can be distributed and accessed globally
In education, the presence of information technology is an unbiased negotiable, and is the primary support in the development of education which is increasingly complex, so the need for reliable media, innovation and being able to gave the solution of all existing persolan.
Utilization of information technology, especially internet among educational institutions at various levels and types seems to still not evenly distributed, except in universities generally have access to this Internet technology. On the other educational levels and pathways in which the learning process is still relatively conventional (face to face), which is already no longer able to meet the educational needs of an increasingly complex society, requires innovation and the media are capable menangulanginya. The presence of information technology, a solution that can overcome the obstacles faced by the world as represented above education. The statement is quite reasonable, karenal first, it is almost certain that every office has to have and use a computer. Similarly, in every family, especially in urban facilities has become a regular computer and can be operated by virtually all members of the family. The number of families who have a computer showed an increase as a result of progress of economic development. This means that the number of people who have access to computers increased from time to time. Therefore, computer-based education programs can be developed for the group (society) is.
Second, the process penyampain teaching materials that will be transformed to the participants can learn more effectively and efficiently, because in Indonesia has created many educational software by computer experts, although belonging to the phase of "early stage" and is sporadic and not well coordinated. Currently suda many high-quality educational software, but usually the software is made overseas so there is a new constraint that is the problem english. Some examples of educational software that are known include: computer assisted instruction (CAI), which generally is very good software for remedial purposes. intelligent instructional computer assited (ICAL), can be used for material or concept. Computer assisted training (CAT), computer assisted design (CAD), computer assisted media (CAM), and others.
The second reason mentioned above made perfect sense, because if studied from the concept of innovation characteristics (Everett Rogers, 1981) both from the aspect of relative advantage (relative advantage), equivalence (compability), complexity (complexity), the possibility can be tried (triability), the possibility can be observed (obsevability), changes in education with information technology approach and taking into account the potential that exists in the community is feasible.
a. Education System
The central point of all systems of education, both formal and informal want any non-formal, is a human relationship formed between educators and participants-students. This relationship could technically be reduced to a "learning process", but clearly the teaching-learning process alone can not reflect the overall educational system. Processes occurring in the education system also can not be reduced to merely a process of transfer of knowledge or skill alone. Moreover, the education system is clearly not possible simply regarded as just a mere information distribution process. But the learning process, the transfer of knowledge and skills as well as information distribution process are some key elements in the education system. The joint goal (common goal) all processes in the education system is the development of human civilization on earth from one generation to the next. The development of any civilization, can not be narrowed to a mere "inheritance of values", but more than that, is the effort and human cultivation in order to maintain its existence through the land the main function, namely to build a thorough devotion to the Creator as the enactment.
That way the quality of the education system is highly dependent on the "empathy" that formed in the relationship between educators with participants-students respectively. Without the formation of "empathy" is, any process in the education system as mentioned above, among others, will be dry from the real meaning, just a mere technical frameworks. No wonder the quality of the education system the best products it acquired through the processes of "traditional" in the education system, such as teaching-learning method "talk and chalk" in the leading universities in the world and ties-chaplain students in traditional pesantren in ground-water.
Education experts may agree that the use of non-conventional technologies to run the processes in the education system will not improve the quality of education. But - of course - it does not mean the introduction of non-conventional technologies it has no use at all. Although there were not significantly improve the quality, the use of educational technology can obviously increase the quantity of education system (which means expansion opportunities and the opportunity for participants-students) without reducing the quality too much.
Without the intervention of non-conventional technology, quantitative improvement of processes within the educational system - which means opening up opportunities and opportunities for more learners-learners as well as more widespread education materials - self-contained logical consequence declining quality (degradation) in the education system drastic. Expectations on the application of non-conventional technologies in a variety of educational process lies only in the minimization of this degradation only. In other words, non-conventional technology empowered and utilized for the development of the education system, just to help ensure that the quality system of education is not such a drastic decline than when performed without the introduction of quantitative efforts to increase the non-conventional technologies.
b. Education System On-Line with Internet
The main obstacle of quantitative expansion of education systems is the limited space and time. Educators who meet the standards and in accordance with the need not always be in one dimension of space and time with our students who require his presence. Thus, participant-learners the opportunity to obtain high-quality education directly through the processes of conventional education ("talk and chalk", students-chaplain, usrah) of the appropriate educator was very limited and rare. Data communication technology innovations can be empowered to penetrate this time and space constraints. Educational materials are sorted into packets of information can be transmitted and transferred here and there across the room via a data communication system bit by bit without any difficulty. With the filing system (filing-systems) electronic data, educational materials of quality can also be stored and accessed at any time required, across the time dimension.
Internet technology is cored packet data communication systems, has opened the possibility of an almost unimaginable before about the "globalization" of information systems. World into one without limit, the time span becomes meaningless, yesterday and tomorrow, today, same thing. Hundreds of millions of data terminals have been connected to each other - either permanently want any temporary - all over the world with a total capacity of trillions of bits of information which at times can be transferred and on-access thither. In the period in the future that will not be too long, we will witness the convergence of media, all based data communications. TV, radio, newspaper, telephone, telegraph, facsimile, all would blend with the banking system, the travel-bureau, supermarkets, publishing, shopping centers, all to be "on-line" with the data communication system. Then what about the education system? Universities, libraries, skills courses, schools, now it had been able to "on-line", thanks to a data communications system. Theoretically meaningful constraints of space and time are resolved, the capacity of the education system becomes infinite, the quantity can be increased to the maximum possible. Increasing the maximum quantity that is clearly not going to necessarily be followed by an increase in quality, even to defend it alone would be extremely difficult.
It should be fully aware that the empowerment of the data communications system for the development of education system will only increase the quantity and capacity of the education system with minimal degradation preventing its quality, but occasionally will never be able to improve the quality of the education system itself. A university "on-line" can be constructed by applying intensive sophisticated data communications systems, but that will be generated only a "virtual university" or university apparent in cyberspace, not at all a real university. But on the other hand, responding to the existence of this fictitious university with a negative attitude alone will not solve the problem. In any case, the utilization of data communication systems to develop an educational system obviously will increase capacity and expand opportunities for young learners acquire more material and get access to information centers which have never imagined before will accessible due to limited space and time, although was all this still will not ever be an alternative substitute of the conventional education system. His analogy, though even with the data communication system it is possible to read newspapers "on-line" with the computer through the Internet, it is not necessarily subscribe to the newspaper people would stop and instead subscribe to an ISP (Internet Service Provider) only, because reading the newspaper "on -line "is still different from reading the newspaper that" real "over a cup of coffee waiting terhidangnya breakfast at the dining table.
With data communication systems through the Internet we can access universities and enjoy world-class presentation materials from the lectures of the leading professors in their fields. It should be understood clearly that enjoy this dish professors via the data communication system is still different to sitting alone "in person" in class the professor and watched playing with the "talk and chalk" it. while her "chit-chat" about the course material on its merit. "Real education" still requires a direct interaction between educators and participants-learners in the same space and time. But the thing is, how many participants-students get a chance for a luxury air-"chit-chat" directly with educators, as well as how much material can be covered in such a short meeting? The system allows data communication developed more breadth of opportunities and chances for participants-students are more to come just to taste a variety of "luxury" education system, even though it was never going to give an opportunity to educate participants to experience "the real education" of his . Proverbial, could have been made imitation crab meat (artificial crab) are cheap, so it could be more festive and more people who can taste the delicious crab meat, crab meat but felt that the original would be a privilege for only small part of it.
Empowering the use of data communications systems for the education system simply can not be intended as an alternative to the existing education system, but merely a supplementary (additional) supplementary and complementary) to the existing education system, which has been built for centuries with roots and traditions methods that have been standard, in accordance with the dignity, the dignity and human nature are his own.
In summary, the data communication system has great potential for development as a means of supporting the education system, particularly to enhance the capacity of educational services, to increase the chances of access to educational information centers and increase the chances of young learners to overcome the limitations of space and time constraints in interacting with educators, but this is all just increase the quantity of the education system, and did not improve its quality.
The existence of the Internet open source information previously inaccessible. Access to information resources not be malasah again. The library is one source of information is expensive. (How many libraries in Indonesia, and how the quality?.) Existence of the Internet allows a person in Indonesia to access the library in the United States. Library access mechanisms can be done using a special program, telnet applications (such as the application hytelnet1) or via a web browser (Netscape and Internet Explorer). There have been many stories about the Internet's help in the research, the final task. Exchange of information or the frequently asked questions by experts can be done via the Internet. Without the Internet many of the final project and thesis which may require more time to resolve.
Cooperation between experts and also with students who are physically located far apart can be done more easily. In the past, one must wander or walk long distances to see a specialist to discuss a problem. Currently this can be done from home by sending an email. Papers and research can be done by mutual exchange of data over the Internet, via email, or by using a mechanism Sharring file. Imagine if a student in New Guinea can discuss medical issues with seoran experts at leading universities in the island of Java. Students anywhere in Indonesia can access the best experts or lecturers in Indonesia and even in the world. Geographic boundaries is not a problem anymore. Sharring information is also needed in the field of research so that research is not repeated (reinvent the wheel). The results of research in universities and research institutes can be used together so as to accelerate the process of development of science and technology.
For Indonesia, the benefits already mentioned above can be a powerful reason to make the Internet as an educational infrastructure. To summarize the benefits of the Internet for education in Indonesia:
a. Access to the library;
b. Access to expert;
c. Providing cooperation facilities.
Given the population demographics tofografi and Indonesia that are less profitable, so we have time to think about the education system that can be reached by residents of the most remote and least minimal resources. Judging from the application of the technology effort, really a lot of potential that can be used as the basis of capital application of information technology in public education.
There are several reasons that can be raised, that information technology can be applied in public education, among them: First, because people have a lot of reasons that have their own computers. then allow the development of Interactive Personal-learning package. This package is done by utilizing educational software such as Computer Assisted Instructional (CAI) or Computer-Based Training (CBT). On the utilization of this type, information or teaching materials encapsulated in a software. Participants learn can learn how to run a computer program or software on the computer independently and at their respective locations. Through this learning program package participants can also perform simulations or feedback to teach participants about the progress of learning.
Second, for reasons of state of Indonesia consists of thousands of islands scattered in a vast area, and inhabited by more than 200 million pendiuduk the distribution is not homogeneous. This condition is realized when the constraint will be applied to the conventional education system (face to face). Then the information technology that may be applied to these conditions is through the Internet. There are several alternative educational paradigms over the internet this is one such system " educational system" (Kardiawarman, 2000). This paradigm can integrate multiple systems such as;
a. Virtual paradigm of teacher resources, which can overcome the limited number of qualified teachers, so students are not thirsty intensively teachers need support, because the role of teachers' virtual (virtual teacher) and largely taken over by the learning system.
b. Virtual school system, which can open up opportunities implement basic education, secondary and higher that do not require space and time. The advantages of this paradigm students unlimited capacity. Students can do activities to learn anytime, anywhere, and from anywhere.
c. Paradigm cyber educational system resources, or the dot com leraning system resources. The second paradigm is the boosters above, in assisting access to articles or journals are available electronically free of charge on the Internet.
All of the above paradigm can be integrated into a system of distance education (distance educational) with the use of internet technology. One form of utilization of Internet technologies in distance education is a Web-based teaching is known by the term e-Learning. Through this medium learning process can be run on-line or on-down-load. For the purposes of off line. Learners can access the system whenever necessary and as often as possible (time independence), not limited to the hours of study and does not depend on the place (place independence). Another function that can be used for the learning process through e-mail or discussion groups, which can interact and transmit the electronic manuscript. In college, the utilization of information technology has been built into one system called the e-University (electronic university). The development of e-University aims to support the provision of education so as to provide better information services to the community both within (internal) or outside (external) College.
Third, because the reason for the similarity in the quality of the material gain, ikembangkan distributed learning package. Teaching materials can be packaged in the form of Web pages, or an interactive learning program (CAI or CBT). Learning material and then placed disebuah server that is connected to the internet so it can be retrieved either by teaching participants to use the Web-Browser or File Transport Protocol (file transfer application).
In order for the learning process more communicative and interesting and provide motivation for participants to learn, then used a device called the media to achieve the quality of teaching and learning process.
The media here interpreted as a means to convey or deliver messages of teaching. Heinich et al put forward the medium term as an intermediary that transmits information or the source and receiver. Thus, television, movies, photos, radio, the projected image, printed materials and the like is a medium of communication. If the media was carrying messages or information that aims to contain instructional or teaching purposes then the media is called media learning. Learning media in principle is a communication process, namely the process of delivering messages that are created through an activity delivery and exchange messages or information by individual learners. Messages or information may include knowledge, skills, ideas and experiences so forth.
In order for the learning process can be successful, learners should be encouraged to utilize all the tools senses. Teachers have tried to portray the stimulus (stimulus) that can be processed with a variety of senses. The more sensing devices used to receive and process information the more likely the information is understandable and can be maintained in memory. Thus, pserta students are expected to receive and absorb with ease and good messages in the material presented.
Learning by using multiple senses, view and hear will benefit the community. Communities will learn more than if the subject matter is presented only with the stimulus of view or just by hearing the stimulus. The experts have a direct view of it. Comparison of the acquisition of learning outcomes through the sense of perspective and sense of hearing is very notable difference. Approximately 90% of the results obtained through the sense of one's learning of view, and only about 5% is obtained through the sense of hearing and 5% again through the other senses. Meanwhile, Dale estimates that the acquisition of learning outcomes through the senses of view ranges from 75%, through the senses of hearing about 13%, and 12% through other senses. Instructor's team seeks to provide a stimulus to learners in the form of multimedia that can be absorbed through the senses of perspective and sense of hearing.
The use of multimedia here is simply defined as more than one medium or in other words some of the merging of media, can be any combination of text, graphics, animation, sound and video.
The combination and the combination of two or more types of media in general is concerned with the overall control of the computer as a driver of the combined media. This merger is an entity that is jointly displaying information, messages, what lesson content.
The concept of merging this in itself requires some kind of hardware equipment, each of which shall perform its main function as usual, and of course the computer is controlling the whole equipment. Types of equipment such as computers, video cameras, cassette recorders, overhead projectors, Multivision (like), CD player, compact disc and can now be used also flash disk. Through the utilization of information technology (computers), as if the teaching materials can be accessed by anyone, anytime. Access to the actual teaching materials can be arranged if desired because the available security facilities where the only people who have signed up just to be able to access the teaching materials. Given the state is responsible for the intellectual life of the nation, then the state needs to provide teaching materials to employ experts who are dedicated to advancing higher education in Indonesia. The high cost of making fees and teaching materials is not a problem, because it can be justified, if the teaching materials can be used by all members of society in Indonesia. Fundamental problems with regard to this teaching model, teaching the participants are limited to Internet operates a computer in the teaching process. Therefore there should be action to prepare people (ready for lerning), that is by involving the extension field of the relevant departments, say agricultural extension, extension of industry, local government officials, etc.. They are officers who have been trained and know the teaching materials are available and how to access or obtain it. They are responsible for helping the community, including communicating the teaching materials that are not understood so that people can learn it in a certain time.
4. ICT for Improving Education Quality Improvement
Global information age that we will soon face a promising variety of stunning sophistication in the application of data communication technology. Many things that a few years ago just a fantasy would soon become a reality. Various innovations in the field of information systems will be very useful if applied as a means of supporting the education system, especially to enhance the capacity of the educational process quantitatively in overcoming various obstacles due to limitations of space and time. But the quality of the education system can only be enhanced by improving the quality of direct interaction between educators and young students. The communication system somehow sophisticated data will only be reduced to a minimum degradation of the quality of the education system when the quantitatively enhanced.
Global information age that we will soon face a promising variety of stunning sophistication in the application of data communication technology. Many things that a few years ago just a fantasy would soon become a reality. Various innovations in the field of information systems will be very useful if applied as a means of supporting the education system in Indonesia, especially to enhance the capacity of the educational process quantitatively in overcoming various obstacles due to limitations of space and time. But the quality of the education system can only be enhanced by improving the quality of direct interaction between educators and young students. The communication system somehow sophisticated data will only be reduced to a minimum degradation of the quality of the education system when the quantitatively enhanced.
Irawan, Budhi., Implications of Internet Development and Information Technology Education in Indonesia Against the World, Essay UNIKOM Information Engineering Faculty of Engineering, 2004
Nasution, Zulkarimein, Information Communication Technology in Perspective, Institute Publisher FE-UI, Jakarta. 2005
Prayitno., Overview of IT development in Indonesia, Newsletter Goechi.Com, 2004.
Rogers, Everett M., Communication Technology, The Free Press, Collier Macmillan Publ., London. 1996.
Schweber, William, Electronic Communication Systems, Prentice Hall Inc.., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. 1998.
Surjadi, Harry, Concept Web Site? Learn from Human Needs,
Wahono, Francis. Indonesia Education Natural involution process, Compass July 4, 2010.
Wawan. W, Development of Information Technology in Indonesia, Penelitaan Informatics Centre, Indonesian Institute of Sciences Research, 2002.
Information technology (information technology) and communication began to develop rapidly in the early years of the 1980s. The rapid development of technology is supported by the rapid development of the processor (chip) that serves as the brain of a personal computer (Personal Computer).
The development of hardware technology was followed by progress in the fields of software, although its development is far behind the development of hardware. At first, processors and software designed for a stand-alone personal computer (stand alone PC). However, in line with its development, these PCs can eventually be integrated via a network (network) physically. So now we know different types of networks that integrate multiple PCs. Tissue samples that we often encounter is the Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), and the Internet. The Internet is one popular type of network used, because the Internet is an information technology that is able to dial-in to computers around the world, allowing information from various types and forms of information can be used together. When this has been a lot of private companies in Indonesia that provides Internet connection services, for example IndoInternet, NEW YORK, D-Net, Idol, and others.
Information Technology is a technology used to process data, including processing, obtain, compile, store, manipulate data in various ways to produce quality information, ie information that is relevant, accurate and timely, which is used for personal, business, and government and is a strategic information for decision making. This technology uses a computer to process data, the network system to connect one computer to another computer as needed, and telecommunications technology is used so that data can be distributed and accessed globally
In education, the presence of information technology is an unbiased negotiable, and is the primary support in the development of education which is increasingly complex, so the need for reliable media, innovation and being able to gave the solution of all existing persolan.
Utilization of information technology, especially internet among educational institutions at various levels and types seems to still not evenly distributed, except in universities generally have access to this Internet technology. On the other educational levels and pathways in which the learning process is still relatively conventional (face to face), which is already no longer able to meet the educational needs of an increasingly complex society, requires innovation and the media are capable menangulanginya. The presence of information technology, a solution that can overcome the obstacles faced by the world as represented above education. The statement is quite reasonable, karenal first, it is almost certain that every office has to have and use a computer. Similarly, in every family, especially in urban facilities has become a regular computer and can be operated by virtually all members of the family. The number of families who have a computer showed an increase as a result of progress of economic development. This means that the number of people who have access to computers increased from time to time. Therefore, computer-based education programs can be developed for the group (society) is.
Second, the process penyampain teaching materials that will be transformed to the participants can learn more effectively and efficiently, because in Indonesia has created many educational software by computer experts, although belonging to the phase of "early stage" and is sporadic and not well coordinated. Currently suda many high-quality educational software, but usually the software is made overseas so there is a new constraint that is the problem english. Some examples of educational software that are known include: computer assisted instruction (CAI), which generally is very good software for remedial purposes. intelligent instructional computer assited (ICAL), can be used for material or concept. Computer assisted training (CAT), computer assisted design (CAD), computer assisted media (CAM), and others.
The second reason mentioned above made perfect sense, because if studied from the concept of innovation characteristics (Everett Rogers, 1981) both from the aspect of relative advantage (relative advantage), equivalence (compability), complexity (complexity), the possibility can be tried (triability), the possibility can be observed (obsevability), changes in education with information technology approach and taking into account the potential that exists in the community is feasible.
a. Education System
The central point of all systems of education, both formal and informal want any non-formal, is a human relationship formed between educators and participants-students. This relationship could technically be reduced to a "learning process", but clearly the teaching-learning process alone can not reflect the overall educational system. Processes occurring in the education system also can not be reduced to merely a process of transfer of knowledge or skill alone. Moreover, the education system is clearly not possible simply regarded as just a mere information distribution process. But the learning process, the transfer of knowledge and skills as well as information distribution process are some key elements in the education system. The joint goal (common goal) all processes in the education system is the development of human civilization on earth from one generation to the next. The development of any civilization, can not be narrowed to a mere "inheritance of values", but more than that, is the effort and human cultivation in order to maintain its existence through the land the main function, namely to build a thorough devotion to the Creator as the enactment.
That way the quality of the education system is highly dependent on the "empathy" that formed in the relationship between educators with participants-students respectively. Without the formation of "empathy" is, any process in the education system as mentioned above, among others, will be dry from the real meaning, just a mere technical frameworks. No wonder the quality of the education system the best products it acquired through the processes of "traditional" in the education system, such as teaching-learning method "talk and chalk" in the leading universities in the world and ties-chaplain students in traditional pesantren in ground-water.
Education experts may agree that the use of non-conventional technologies to run the processes in the education system will not improve the quality of education. But - of course - it does not mean the introduction of non-conventional technologies it has no use at all. Although there were not significantly improve the quality, the use of educational technology can obviously increase the quantity of education system (which means expansion opportunities and the opportunity for participants-students) without reducing the quality too much.
Without the intervention of non-conventional technology, quantitative improvement of processes within the educational system - which means opening up opportunities and opportunities for more learners-learners as well as more widespread education materials - self-contained logical consequence declining quality (degradation) in the education system drastic. Expectations on the application of non-conventional technologies in a variety of educational process lies only in the minimization of this degradation only. In other words, non-conventional technology empowered and utilized for the development of the education system, just to help ensure that the quality system of education is not such a drastic decline than when performed without the introduction of quantitative efforts to increase the non-conventional technologies.
b. Education System On-Line with Internet
The main obstacle of quantitative expansion of education systems is the limited space and time. Educators who meet the standards and in accordance with the need not always be in one dimension of space and time with our students who require his presence. Thus, participant-learners the opportunity to obtain high-quality education directly through the processes of conventional education ("talk and chalk", students-chaplain, usrah) of the appropriate educator was very limited and rare. Data communication technology innovations can be empowered to penetrate this time and space constraints. Educational materials are sorted into packets of information can be transmitted and transferred here and there across the room via a data communication system bit by bit without any difficulty. With the filing system (filing-systems) electronic data, educational materials of quality can also be stored and accessed at any time required, across the time dimension.
Internet technology is cored packet data communication systems, has opened the possibility of an almost unimaginable before about the "globalization" of information systems. World into one without limit, the time span becomes meaningless, yesterday and tomorrow, today, same thing. Hundreds of millions of data terminals have been connected to each other - either permanently want any temporary - all over the world with a total capacity of trillions of bits of information which at times can be transferred and on-access thither. In the period in the future that will not be too long, we will witness the convergence of media, all based data communications. TV, radio, newspaper, telephone, telegraph, facsimile, all would blend with the banking system, the travel-bureau, supermarkets, publishing, shopping centers, all to be "on-line" with the data communication system. Then what about the education system? Universities, libraries, skills courses, schools, now it had been able to "on-line", thanks to a data communications system. Theoretically meaningful constraints of space and time are resolved, the capacity of the education system becomes infinite, the quantity can be increased to the maximum possible. Increasing the maximum quantity that is clearly not going to necessarily be followed by an increase in quality, even to defend it alone would be extremely difficult.
It should be fully aware that the empowerment of the data communications system for the development of education system will only increase the quantity and capacity of the education system with minimal degradation preventing its quality, but occasionally will never be able to improve the quality of the education system itself. A university "on-line" can be constructed by applying intensive sophisticated data communications systems, but that will be generated only a "virtual university" or university apparent in cyberspace, not at all a real university. But on the other hand, responding to the existence of this fictitious university with a negative attitude alone will not solve the problem. In any case, the utilization of data communication systems to develop an educational system obviously will increase capacity and expand opportunities for young learners acquire more material and get access to information centers which have never imagined before will accessible due to limited space and time, although was all this still will not ever be an alternative substitute of the conventional education system. His analogy, though even with the data communication system it is possible to read newspapers "on-line" with the computer through the Internet, it is not necessarily subscribe to the newspaper people would stop and instead subscribe to an ISP (Internet Service Provider) only, because reading the newspaper "on -line "is still different from reading the newspaper that" real "over a cup of coffee waiting terhidangnya breakfast at the dining table.
With data communication systems through the Internet we can access universities and enjoy world-class presentation materials from the lectures of the leading professors in their fields. It should be understood clearly that enjoy this dish professors via the data communication system is still different to sitting alone "in person" in class the professor and watched playing with the "talk and chalk" it. while her "chit-chat" about the course material on its merit. "Real education" still requires a direct interaction between educators and participants-learners in the same space and time. But the thing is, how many participants-students get a chance for a luxury air-"chit-chat" directly with educators, as well as how much material can be covered in such a short meeting? The system allows data communication developed more breadth of opportunities and chances for participants-students are more to come just to taste a variety of "luxury" education system, even though it was never going to give an opportunity to educate participants to experience "the real education" of his . Proverbial, could have been made imitation crab meat (artificial crab) are cheap, so it could be more festive and more people who can taste the delicious crab meat, crab meat but felt that the original would be a privilege for only small part of it.
Empowering the use of data communications systems for the education system simply can not be intended as an alternative to the existing education system, but merely a supplementary (additional) supplementary and complementary) to the existing education system, which has been built for centuries with roots and traditions methods that have been standard, in accordance with the dignity, the dignity and human nature are his own.
In summary, the data communication system has great potential for development as a means of supporting the education system, particularly to enhance the capacity of educational services, to increase the chances of access to educational information centers and increase the chances of young learners to overcome the limitations of space and time constraints in interacting with educators, but this is all just increase the quantity of the education system, and did not improve its quality.
The existence of the Internet open source information previously inaccessible. Access to information resources not be malasah again. The library is one source of information is expensive. (How many libraries in Indonesia, and how the quality?.) Existence of the Internet allows a person in Indonesia to access the library in the United States. Library access mechanisms can be done using a special program, telnet applications (such as the application hytelnet1) or via a web browser (Netscape and Internet Explorer). There have been many stories about the Internet's help in the research, the final task. Exchange of information or the frequently asked questions by experts can be done via the Internet. Without the Internet many of the final project and thesis which may require more time to resolve.
Cooperation between experts and also with students who are physically located far apart can be done more easily. In the past, one must wander or walk long distances to see a specialist to discuss a problem. Currently this can be done from home by sending an email. Papers and research can be done by mutual exchange of data over the Internet, via email, or by using a mechanism Sharring file. Imagine if a student in New Guinea can discuss medical issues with seoran experts at leading universities in the island of Java. Students anywhere in Indonesia can access the best experts or lecturers in Indonesia and even in the world. Geographic boundaries is not a problem anymore. Sharring information is also needed in the field of research so that research is not repeated (reinvent the wheel). The results of research in universities and research institutes can be used together so as to accelerate the process of development of science and technology.
For Indonesia, the benefits already mentioned above can be a powerful reason to make the Internet as an educational infrastructure. To summarize the benefits of the Internet for education in Indonesia:
a. Access to the library;
b. Access to expert;
c. Providing cooperation facilities.
Given the population demographics tofografi and Indonesia that are less profitable, so we have time to think about the education system that can be reached by residents of the most remote and least minimal resources. Judging from the application of the technology effort, really a lot of potential that can be used as the basis of capital application of information technology in public education.
There are several reasons that can be raised, that information technology can be applied in public education, among them: First, because people have a lot of reasons that have their own computers. then allow the development of Interactive Personal-learning package. This package is done by utilizing educational software such as Computer Assisted Instructional (CAI) or Computer-Based Training (CBT). On the utilization of this type, information or teaching materials encapsulated in a software. Participants learn can learn how to run a computer program or software on the computer independently and at their respective locations. Through this learning program package participants can also perform simulations or feedback to teach participants about the progress of learning.
Second, for reasons of state of Indonesia consists of thousands of islands scattered in a vast area, and inhabited by more than 200 million pendiuduk the distribution is not homogeneous. This condition is realized when the constraint will be applied to the conventional education system (face to face). Then the information technology that may be applied to these conditions is through the Internet. There are several alternative educational paradigms over the internet this is one such system " educational system" (Kardiawarman, 2000). This paradigm can integrate multiple systems such as;
a. Virtual paradigm of teacher resources, which can overcome the limited number of qualified teachers, so students are not thirsty intensively teachers need support, because the role of teachers' virtual (virtual teacher) and largely taken over by the learning system.
b. Virtual school system, which can open up opportunities implement basic education, secondary and higher that do not require space and time. The advantages of this paradigm students unlimited capacity. Students can do activities to learn anytime, anywhere, and from anywhere.
c. Paradigm cyber educational system resources, or the dot com leraning system resources. The second paradigm is the boosters above, in assisting access to articles or journals are available electronically free of charge on the Internet.
All of the above paradigm can be integrated into a system of distance education (distance educational) with the use of internet technology. One form of utilization of Internet technologies in distance education is a Web-based teaching is known by the term e-Learning. Through this medium learning process can be run on-line or on-down-load. For the purposes of off line. Learners can access the system whenever necessary and as often as possible (time independence), not limited to the hours of study and does not depend on the place (place independence). Another function that can be used for the learning process through e-mail or discussion groups, which can interact and transmit the electronic manuscript. In college, the utilization of information technology has been built into one system called the e-University (electronic university). The development of e-University aims to support the provision of education so as to provide better information services to the community both within (internal) or outside (external) College.
Third, because the reason for the similarity in the quality of the material gain, ikembangkan distributed learning package. Teaching materials can be packaged in the form of Web pages, or an interactive learning program (CAI or CBT). Learning material and then placed disebuah server that is connected to the internet so it can be retrieved either by teaching participants to use the Web-Browser or File Transport Protocol (file transfer application).
In order for the learning process more communicative and interesting and provide motivation for participants to learn, then used a device called the media to achieve the quality of teaching and learning process.
The media here interpreted as a means to convey or deliver messages of teaching. Heinich et al put forward the medium term as an intermediary that transmits information or the source and receiver. Thus, television, movies, photos, radio, the projected image, printed materials and the like is a medium of communication. If the media was carrying messages or information that aims to contain instructional or teaching purposes then the media is called media learning. Learning media in principle is a communication process, namely the process of delivering messages that are created through an activity delivery and exchange messages or information by individual learners. Messages or information may include knowledge, skills, ideas and experiences so forth.
In order for the learning process can be successful, learners should be encouraged to utilize all the tools senses. Teachers have tried to portray the stimulus (stimulus) that can be processed with a variety of senses. The more sensing devices used to receive and process information the more likely the information is understandable and can be maintained in memory. Thus, pserta students are expected to receive and absorb with ease and good messages in the material presented.
Learning by using multiple senses, view and hear will benefit the community. Communities will learn more than if the subject matter is presented only with the stimulus of view or just by hearing the stimulus. The experts have a direct view of it. Comparison of the acquisition of learning outcomes through the sense of perspective and sense of hearing is very notable difference. Approximately 90% of the results obtained through the sense of one's learning of view, and only about 5% is obtained through the sense of hearing and 5% again through the other senses. Meanwhile, Dale estimates that the acquisition of learning outcomes through the senses of view ranges from 75%, through the senses of hearing about 13%, and 12% through other senses. Instructor's team seeks to provide a stimulus to learners in the form of multimedia that can be absorbed through the senses of perspective and sense of hearing.
The use of multimedia here is simply defined as more than one medium or in other words some of the merging of media, can be any combination of text, graphics, animation, sound and video.
The combination and the combination of two or more types of media in general is concerned with the overall control of the computer as a driver of the combined media. This merger is an entity that is jointly displaying information, messages, what lesson content.
The concept of merging this in itself requires some kind of hardware equipment, each of which shall perform its main function as usual, and of course the computer is controlling the whole equipment. Types of equipment such as computers, video cameras, cassette recorders, overhead projectors, Multivision (like), CD player, compact disc and can now be used also flash disk. Through the utilization of information technology (computers), as if the teaching materials can be accessed by anyone, anytime. Access to the actual teaching materials can be arranged if desired because the available security facilities where the only people who have signed up just to be able to access the teaching materials. Given the state is responsible for the intellectual life of the nation, then the state needs to provide teaching materials to employ experts who are dedicated to advancing higher education in Indonesia. The high cost of making fees and teaching materials is not a problem, because it can be justified, if the teaching materials can be used by all members of society in Indonesia. Fundamental problems with regard to this teaching model, teaching the participants are limited to Internet operates a computer in the teaching process. Therefore there should be action to prepare people (ready for lerning), that is by involving the extension field of the relevant departments, say agricultural extension, extension of industry, local government officials, etc.. They are officers who have been trained and know the teaching materials are available and how to access or obtain it. They are responsible for helping the community, including communicating the teaching materials that are not understood so that people can learn it in a certain time.
4. ICT for Improving Education Quality Improvement
Global information age that we will soon face a promising variety of stunning sophistication in the application of data communication technology. Many things that a few years ago just a fantasy would soon become a reality. Various innovations in the field of information systems will be very useful if applied as a means of supporting the education system, especially to enhance the capacity of the educational process quantitatively in overcoming various obstacles due to limitations of space and time. But the quality of the education system can only be enhanced by improving the quality of direct interaction between educators and young students. The communication system somehow sophisticated data will only be reduced to a minimum degradation of the quality of the education system when the quantitatively enhanced.
Global information age that we will soon face a promising variety of stunning sophistication in the application of data communication technology. Many things that a few years ago just a fantasy would soon become a reality. Various innovations in the field of information systems will be very useful if applied as a means of supporting the education system in Indonesia, especially to enhance the capacity of the educational process quantitatively in overcoming various obstacles due to limitations of space and time. But the quality of the education system can only be enhanced by improving the quality of direct interaction between educators and young students. The communication system somehow sophisticated data will only be reduced to a minimum degradation of the quality of the education system when the quantitatively enhanced.
Irawan, Budhi., Implications of Internet Development and Information Technology Education in Indonesia Against the World, Essay UNIKOM Information Engineering Faculty of Engineering, 2004
Nasution, Zulkarimein, Information Communication Technology in Perspective, Institute Publisher FE-UI, Jakarta. 2005
Prayitno., Overview of IT development in Indonesia, Newsletter Goechi.Com, 2004.
Rogers, Everett M., Communication Technology, The Free Press, Collier Macmillan Publ., London. 1996.
Schweber, William, Electronic Communication Systems, Prentice Hall Inc.., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. 1998.
Surjadi, Harry, Concept Web Site? Learn from Human Needs,
Wahono, Francis. Indonesia Education Natural involution process, Compass July 4, 2010.
Wawan. W, Development of Information Technology in Indonesia, Penelitaan Informatics Centre, Indonesian Institute of Sciences Research, 2002.
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- saiful
- Active as a lecturer at universities, training facilitator, activist participatory action research.
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