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Research Report
Saiful Hadi
Saiful Arif
Abstract: This article describes the results of this study about students' learning culture in schools excelent in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan. There are 3 (three) important things to study the subject in this study, namely: (1) how to plan learning activities that can foster a learning culture towards excellence in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan? (2) how the strategy used to learn each individual's success as the implementation of a learning culture in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan? (3) how to bring the norms of excellence to foster a learning culture in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan?
Keywords: Learning Cultural, Excelence School
The emergence of dynamic schools excelent in fact a phenomenon that in the eyes of education, it is an interesting study. Interesting because of the emergence of superior education institution is a warning or even as a total correction of the current national education is still not able to satisfy many people, especially students who have a spirit of excellence in achieving learning success, and the demands of parents or people who want the role of education has contributed
Superior school is a school that was developed to achieve excellence in the output (output) their education, and to achieve excellence is then input (input), the educational process, teachers and education personnel, management, education services, and supporting facilities should be directed to support the achievement of these goals .
That schools "excellent" is a school that has indicators: (1) academic achievement and non-academic in the above-average school in their district (2) facilities and infrastructure and a more complete service, (3) a better system of learning and time learn more length, (4) through a fairly rigorous selection of applicants, (5) obtain amino greatly from society, as evidenced by the large number of applicants than the capacity class, and (6) higher school fees than the school areas.
There are several factors that must be achieved if schools are categorized into superior schools, as follows: (1) professional school leadership, (2) tough teachers and professionals, (3) has a clear philosophical achievement goals, (4) environment conducive to learning, (5) A good network of organizations, (6) a clear curriculum, (7) evaluation of learning is good; (8) the participation of parents who are active in school activities
One among the indicators of excellence is better learning system, learning time is longer and one of advantages including environmental factors conducive to learning, are the two aspects of cultural phenomena that can bring their students to learn in school of excellence. For each winning school will create a system that can foster a learning culture is superior, the system can run with the maximum if there is support for an environment conducive to learning.
The spirit of excellence in education can be found in Pamekasan especially SMA 1 Pamekasan, in some recent period. The institution is able to get student-winning Olympic good science in physics or mathematics to the international level, namely in 2007 Andi Oktavian Latif, then in 2010 Sohibul Maromi, and in 2011 Allyssa Diva Mustika.
Student achievement is up to the international level is one among the indicators of a learning culture that excelences on every student at SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan, the creation of a learning culture in each of the learning process begins in the classroom and place on each invidivu they created the culture of quality.
Creating quality or excellence in environmental education is a chain of institutional birth of a learning culture, because: "... will happen in the form of adaptation strategies to learn the knowledge models that include a series of rules, instructions, recipes, plans, strategies -owned and used strategies to adjust to the environment ... education with excellence.
Environmental education has a tradition of excellence is built on an education system that has paradigm far forward facing global challenges of life and full of competitiveness. Ability to compete with educational institutions around him, let alone beyond the limits of excellence in the global environment, a phenomenon of excellence in learning learning culture in the students so they can be driven to have a good study of creativity and excellence as well.
SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan as an upper secondary educational institution designated by the District Government to design pioneering international school to be interesting to study in a focused way about the phenomenon of the emergence of a learning culture to achieve excellence in accordance with the spirit of educational institutions that have become institutions of excellence.
Research Methods
Research on students' learning culture in the School of Excellence in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan using a qualitative design with ethnographic approach, that through this approach Spardley quoted by Bruce L Breg that: "... is the work of describing a culture, ... the essential core of this activity aims to understand another way of life ". The statement provides direction on this study sought to describe culture, especially the students study habits, so as to understand the patterns of learning to be human beings learn to excel in performing daily activities either while in school or outside of school or when they learn at home.
Location of the study was conducted at a Secondary School Pamekasan, because in its history since 2006 held a superior class and the last three years was entrusted with the government to hold international school stubs (RSBI). For all this community has confidence that this agency has tried to improve the competitiveness or the quality of education in which one among the efforts improved through superior study habits in students. Digging terntang information on aspects of students' learning culture of excellence at the School of High School I Pamekasan were students, and developed to some informants the Head of School, Deputy Head of the Student and Deputy Head of the Curriculum and the Deputy Head of Public Relations Counseling as well as energy. The selection of informants was conducted in snowballing the researchers tracked the findings of the field in accordance with themes students have a learning culture, and developed the themes of a more focused through other informants in the community education and learning in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan.
According to the type of qualitative research using ethnographic approach, the presence of researchers in the field is very important and necessary to determine and optimally. Because researchers in this study acts as the main instrument (key) as well as collecting research data, as it also stated that as the main instrument, the researcher must be able to capture the meanings of student learning behavior which further interpreted and be understood data have been obtained from the field that occurs patterns of life (life pattern) in a special setting in the environment SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan. In-depth understanding of not just simply by relying on questionnaires or questionare or collect only limited documentation, because documentation, artifacts or symbols that captured the extent helps to know the essence of the desired data. Researchers as a key instrument, the study also uses the interview guide and observation (observation). The role of researchers in this research activity is a participant observer (partisipant observer). stated five types of participation and level of involvement, namely the passive participation of low-level involvement, participation of moderate middle-level involvement, active participation of high-level involvement, full participation is very high level of involvement and non-partisan, no level of involvement. The things that have been performed during the investigators at the study site are as follows:
a. Conduct consultations with the school to do research, and simultaneously determine the steps the implementation of research.
b. To conduct observations in the field to know the ins and outs of student or group of students who have excellence in learning.
c. Conducting interviews with key figures (the informant), data sources, to obtain as much data as possible and focused according to the research problem.
d. Collect supporting data or documentary data that can enrich the primary data from interviews with data sources and informants.
For the purposes of this study, data analysis techniques used in ethnography is the use of techniques: 1) domain, 2) taxonomy, 3) components of bad luck. 4) theme, Citing Spardley opinion, that the data obtained are organized first by considering the possibilities of solving, synthesis, analysis, and search patterns.
Qualitative research data analysis through a case study approach is not much different from other qualitative approaches which started the stages are: 1). Open Coding, which at this stage these researchers are trying to obtain as many variations of data related to research topics, things to do is examine, elaborate, examine, compare, conceptualize, and categorize data or phenomena obtained during the field . 2). Axial Coding, is the data generated from the open coding stage reorganized based on the categories to be developed toward the proposition. At this stage, conducted by researchers is to analyze the relationships between categories. 3). Celective Coding, ie at the stage of selective coding researchers classified the inspection process core categories related to other categories. Core category discovered through comparison of the relationship between categories by using the qualitative paradigm model, then generate general conclusions to be made a designe. The process of making a conclusion as the final step of the research activities in accordance with the main data for the research in the field.
The validity of the data can be checked and examined by using several criteria including: 1) Credibility, which is the credibility of the data is proving that what has been gained during the research activities in the form of qualitative data about the behavior or study habits of students at the school excels in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan. a.) deep observations, ie observations made in-depth and continuous keterhandalan or would hamper the credibility of the results or data obtained during the conduct of research. Researchers conducted observations of the behavior or study habits of students to achieve excellence dadlam understand the whole subject of choice and students' learning interest. b) Triangulation, the attempt to check the validity of the data with a variety of sources that are outside the data for consideration. This triangulation process can be done by: (1) Trianggulation data sources in the form of attempts to compare the views of someone who has obtained in the field with other people who really understand about sktifitas student learning activities. (2) Trianggulasi method of checking the validity of data obtained from various sources in the field using the same methods, or conversely that in order to check the source of the data obtained with different methods, field data obtained from the method of documentation or symbols that are in the field it is necessary to trace back the meaning, purpose and objectives through interviews with the informant or source of data, c) Discussion of your peers do the sharing or discussion, and discussion with colleagues who have expertise about the study habits of students at SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan. 2). Dependibilitas, namely the assessment of a study until the end of writing a scientific paper, these activities are done in order to avoid errors or conceptual errors begin the study design, data collection and analysis, report writing until the end of a scientific paper, 3). Confirmability, confirmability is done in order to assess and examine the linkages between data research, information, and interpretation in the organization of a scientific report which is supported by the materials you have available. The research instrument to confirm the findings of the data in the study are researchers themselves, because the researcher is the key instrument to be able to find an objective and valid data, in other words the findings obtained totally objective and unbiased.
Research Findings and Discussion
1. How to plan a learning activity that is able to foster a learning culture towards excellence in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan
Patterns or habits of students studying SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan been disciplined since the beginning of a student to graduate from SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan. It starts from the process of coaching at the time of the MOS new students, the use of independent learning resources, assignments independently by teachers to students through the Student Worksheet, and utilization of information technology such as laptops and internet usage. Thus tanpak clearly that the independence of student learning has been implanted in both the SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan. Likewise, students learn self-reliance is supported by an increase in the professionalism of teachers through the program and active follow-up study of English courses to offset the student's ability.
Some exposure to the above shows that the study conducted by each learner, at whatever level and type of education will be a culture and become self-image of children eager to learn and strong in developing learning much influenced by various factors that promote the learning culture. The factor arises from the internal (psykhologis) child or school environmental factors (external) which promotes cultural learning process.
a. Internal factors students
Aspects of these internal factors mean that something that comes from within the individual or encouragement from within so that they have learned the power of maximal (prime) in acquiring knowledge and learning experiences, there are two things that affect the internal aspects of a boost student learning, namely:
1) Autosuggestions
What is meant by the term autosuggestions are the ideas of the original learning and growing and thriving in a person terinternaslisasi be about learning new behaviors. The meaning of autosuggestions is: "... as a kind of self-programming, a way to practice the habit of self-confidence Increased Abilities aboute your learning ...". This auto-suggestion can be a positive statement about the ideas and concepts that can bring a person can focus and concentration in learning.
Positive statements about the ideas and concepts that can affect one's learning culture such as learning can deliver success; learning can open up a wider horizon of knowledge, enthusiasm and strong high learning will have an impact on learning success and compete with their own friends.
Positive ideas about learning and self-concept can also affect one's confidence in designing learning programs during the learning activities on the levels and types of education, such as if studying as hard as possible without any interference in each phase of the evaluation study at the school will be able to pass well without there are subjects that are scattered and do not pass the exam.
Not easy to generate auto-suggestion in each student to have a culture of high learning and tough, because not all children have the same learning abilities, only to get children to think logically and to provide concrete and beliefs (spiritual quession) depth is a factor that can increase confidence and have a suggestion myself in understanding the importance of learning in school, resulting in changes in learning behavior of the learning styles of origin and do not pass up the class into learning styles to achieve brilliant achievements in accordance with desired by the student and the school developed in accordance with the target learning success.
2) The learning experience of the past
The learning experience of the past is also a source of inspiration for the change and the development of cultural learning in students, because experience is the best teacher is able to provide correction of errors and failures have ever done before.
The learning experience of the past about the possibility of a lack of success in learning many things that can be brought so as to change the culture of learning towards an effective, superior and maskimal in learning activities such as: 1) select a time to learn so that really does not interfere with learning needs, 2) then repeat the learning experience in generating concepts of learning and emotional learning to be more focus and concentration, 3) recall the positive statements about learning such as learning is a tourist, a lot to learn so much gain knowledge and experience, learning to maintain mental and personality, Be enthusiastic in learning, knowledge and memory is easy for everyone.
Positive statements about the study can give encouragement to individuals who are just starting and will develop a learning culture in every field of popular science. There are still many factors that can influence the internal culture hamper student learning such as development and aging affect a person's culture of learning, readiness (readiness) to learn is something that absolutely can influence learning success.
b. External factors students
External factors are the elements that accompany the presence of individuals in performing the learning activities of students, Nuraini mention that the external elements that affect children's learning culture is: a) awareness, b) an intelligent teacher, c) sufficient material, and d) the time and opportunity Adequate
Factors of concern are referred to here in are the views and attitudes of all elements of civitas learning in the school environment have a paradigm of a superior quality of learning so that this will always be visible by students while in class about how to teach are really ready and member of attention to given subject, all the tasks given to children to respond and do not just finish the task but has the weight and breadth in its completion.
While the second element is a smart teacher, teacher attendance for students is an important element, because without the guidance and direction of teachers is not possible the learning process, because the role and function of the teacher is as a designer and implementer of learning processes in the classroom, enrichment processes and activities independent student learning.
The presence of an intelligent teacher described in the legislation referred to teachers and lecturers with professional teachers or educators, its meaning as told by Surya (2005) quoted Kunandar: "... teachers' professional dedication is reflected in the implementation of the tasks that are marked with expertise both in the material or method, and demonstrated through its responsibilities in implementing the entire devotion ... "
This is done in order to create a superior learning. According Bafadal, the learning seed (the excellence of teaching process) can be interpreted as follows:
Learning is a leading teaching and learning process that was developed in order learning all students based on differences in the level of excellence (individual differences), to make faithful and devoted to God Almighty, master of science and technology independently but remain in the company is able to produce the best work in face the world of free competition.
Meanwhile, Ardhana, learning is superior teaching and learning processes that enable all children can develop themselves to the limits of the maximum.
The seed can be said to be superior learning, at least meet the 3 (three) conditions namely, (a) can serve all students (not just some students), (b) in all children get a superior learning experience to learn as much as possible, and (c) although all students get the maximum learning experience, the process varies depending on the level of skills and characteristics are concerned. According to Mangieri that 8 (eight) conditions that allow all educational institutions to achieve excellence, namely: (1) a rigorous curriculum, (2) teachers who are competent, (3) the characteristics of effectiveness, (4) testing to prove that the student has achieved something, (5) community support and parental involvement, (6) adequate financing (7) strong discipline, (8) linkages in traditional values.
The advantages of learning need to be managed properly in order to achieve optimal results. To realize this, the advantage of learning is the key to the success of this learning there are several things to note are (1) the advantage of learning can increase the success in learning, (2) the success of learning can be realized if it is determined by the quality of its management. The better the quality of teaching, learning all the more effective it can achieve its goals, and (3) effective learning requires the ability to create, maintain and improve learning, whether conducted in the school and outside school. For improved its development strategies are needed kunggulan learning learning system that varies with the variety of innovations, both in classroom management, learning models, and content of learning, for example by: (1) Moving Classroom, (2) CTL (Contectual Teaching and Learning) (3) QTL (Quantum Teaching and Learning) (4) Lifeskills Education, (5) Competency Based Curriculum, (6) The Accelerated Learning (Sonhadji, 2003). Moreover, it can be done in a way, humanizing the classroom, active learning, berpengantar foreign languages (biligual programs ).
Efforts to improve the quality of education through schools in Indonesia have been started since 1951. The emphasis of quality improvement is done by maintaining an atmosphere of learning so that teaching and learning process can take place even with the teachers and the equipment that is still simple. As an illustration, the teaching staff prior to the time of independence consisted mostly of low school teachers most of whom do not have the educational background of teachers. After independence, the teacher shortage continues. Some contributing factors, among others (1) many teachers who left his post to join the army struggles to maintain independence, and (2) the popular demand for education increased.
In 1970-1994, the development is focused on expanding education and educational equality with due regard to quality improvement. Quality improvement program aimed at improving the quality of processes and outcomes of education. Quality education can be improved if the process of teaching and learning takes place effectively, learners experience the learning process meaningful, and supported by resource infrastructure, adequate human and financial. Therefore, the systematic intervention of the inputs, processes, and the examination system so as to provide assurance of high quality education system.
Since 1994, improving the quality of education in schools focused on three main factors, namely (1) quality and quantity of educational resources to support the educational process in the sense of providing the amount and quality of teachers, provision of student textbooks and library books, and the provision of a operational and laboratory equipment, (2) the quality of the education process in terms of curriculum and a state where learners have to learn, and (3) the quality of the output of the educational process in terms of skills and knowledge acquired by learners.
Conceptually, the quality of education is expected to affect long-term effort. Improving the quality of continuing education (sustainable quality improvement) would be created if the quality was obtained through the efforts of the institution concerned in its education programs and the role of government as boosters and facilitator.
Priorities to improve the quality of education in elementary and secondary education there are at least five problems mandasar, namely (1) achievement of the NEM that the average low, (2) the scoring NEM which varies among the provinces as an indicator of uneven quality, (3) the quality of teachers with a low educational level indicators and research results, (4) disparity between the distribution of teachers of social sciences and mathematics / science, and the number of teachers between one region to another, and (5) with low internal efficiency indicators of the length of time is wasted learning ( pupils wasted year) and years of wasted costs (cost wasted year) as a result of failing grades and high school dropouts.
Real steps taken to solve five problems above are equivalent to high school teachers equalization S-1, in addition to teacher inservice elementary and secondary education. Other strategies include increased quality and quantity of educational infrastructure, the development of excellent schools as centers of excellence with the intention of other schools in the surrounding areas are stimulated to improve the quality of education, curriculum development oriented to the improvement of teaching and learning methods in order to improve science and technology, and improving the quality and welfare of teachers and other education personnel. According to Roux and Ferreira that the teacher will need to adapt effectivelly to rapid and pervasive changes in educational policy and the provision of education as determined and directed by the educational authorities, if the education system is to meet with success and guarantee That children's learning embodies the principles of social justice, human rights, a healthy environment and inclusivity. This means that teachers need to effectively adjust to changes quickly and pervasive in educational policy and provision of education as prescribed and directed by the education authorities, if the education system is to meet with success and ensure that children's learning includes the principle principles of social justice, human rights, a healthy environment and inclusivity.
2. The strategy used to learn each individual's success as the implementation of a learning culture in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan
Superior learning strategies conducted by SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan student learning activities that begins with face to face in-class activities are supervised directly by the respective subject teachers. Then the second child directed and developed in the course of adaptation of learning activities based on interests and talents of study that begins by charging interest in the study form, then performed the test so that the child is determined based on the results of interest, namely: a) physics, b) biological, c ) mathematics, and d) chemical. Options that interest children can learn by study clubs, which involves all teachers in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan who have competence in all four areas. The third revision is tutorial is a structured intensive program organized by the school to prepare students for the tests in either semester, public examinations and national tests. In addition, students also learn independently by road lessons or courses to supplement the deficiencies that are not found in school and at home, from observations during this research activity the kids SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan scattered on courses that interested agencies, among others; Primagama , NEC, Ganesha, CGN, Mercury, and several other courses institutes. Concentration and seriousness of learning does not necessarily grow up and become a culture in the child, but should the effort to cultivate and develop the learning culture. Because as well as readiness to learn that occur in each individual, will happen when it starts to increase in the developmental age and the number of learning exercises that accompany tasks progres. Culture of learning that occurs in children is closely linked to a willingness to learn as the developmental tasks of each individual and the attention surrounding environment to give effect to the child developing a learning culture.
Individuals of students who have good study habits, if the individual has to learn the proper technique as a series of planning processes of learning, the learning activity itself and the last is after learning. Learning activities are divided into three component activities of Ronald Gross mentions, among others:
a. Before Learning:
1. Proactive reading a technique to get exactly what you want from book and article
2. The Vee Heuristic Techniqu, to preview in your mind the key questions you want to aswer in any learning situations
b. While Learning:
1. Mind-mapping a technique That encourages the use of your natural mental associations to organize incoming information.
2. Probes the Kinds of questions you can formulate to become actively involved with your information by creatively anticipating where it is leading
c. After Learning
1. Memory impowerment, techniques to store factual data your memory is more easily
2. Instant replay, a technique for deep recall and reviuw of any experience to increase of wath you learn from it.
Base on the view above, that the study contains three main stages to achieve success in understanding the text of the books subjects and experience-hand experience that can be encountered. Stage activities include: a) the stage before learning, b) the stages when learning and c) the following stages of learning activities.
Activities before learning begins with collecting books that will be studied according to their talents and interests of student learning subjects and majors at each school, so the material can be available to be studied well and will gain a broader understanding and facilitate and not boring (enjoiment) in learning. Preparing for reading books to learn and read as much as possible before making pembelajaraan activity is a way to be active, and can steer themselves, as well as creative in dealing with problems of learning materials in schools.
Results readings from books that have been prepared in advance and the daily experience of the knowledge acquired by each individual, performed subsequent deepening of using the technique of "V" Heuristics, that any new knowledge is always questionable and will be studied by using a framework of understanding began; "thinking - action - a new experience ". That he needed to do a person in learning activities is not enough just to read but do interviews / interviews, field research, preparation of preliminary, do questions and answers, and read back from the books similar discussion.
Next are the core activities of learning, a person or students who conduct activities to learn and become his study habits, they always pay attention to three main aspects as patterns of learning, namely: read, listen and discuss. Patterns of learning that needs to be done every individual in understanding the subject matter is to do mind mapping or concept mapping learning materials were read and discussed so that finding a more convenient and precise in understanding such as formulas, the arguments or apply them in practical work in the laboratory. The next study is the core activity of the probes to investigate the subject matter being studied, students usually learn in class when the teacher who was teaching using the teaching methods of Inquiry is to take the children to learn to assess and find solutions themselves the problems found in teaching activities.
Learning activities that last one is post-process the core learning activity that is the efforts made by all students to maintain learning outcomes in order not to forget the knowledge and experience gained during learning activities. Some strategies to strengthen memory, among others: a) selecting the main purpose of learning, this is related to the expected learning goals of each learner or student when given a task to each subject, b) enthusiastic and comitmen, meaning that individual feelings of enthusiasm and commitment committed to the success of learning is an emotional impulse that can amplify gains on any subject matter, c) apply effective learning patterns, the choice of effective learning patterns will affect the strength to remember and maintain the knowledge already acquired in the learning activities that have been carried out, patterns of learning effective such as: 1) make a brief record of each material being studied. 2) make a record of the difficult words in each lesson theme.
3. Embody the norms of excellence to foster a learning culture in the SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan
Building norms for excellence in developing a learning culture needed a set of lines the principal policy (education system) that encourages students to learn both from principals, teachers, and students. In addition it is also required and the horizontal pattern of structural relationships between students, teachers, principals of the values transmitted in building an atmosphere of academic excellence in the learning process.
In learning, teachers are one source of student learning that has a very important role in determining the course of teaching and learning process. The task of teachers as a profession demands on teachers to develop self competency in accordance with the development of science and technology. Educate, teach and train students is the job of the teacher as a profession. The task of teachers as educators is to continue and develop the values of life to the students. The task of teachers as a teacher means to continue and develop science and technology to the students. The task of teachers as a coach means to develop skills and apply them in life for the sake of future students. This is where a teacher is required to have competence.
According to Harris et al., The ability (competence) is a picture of the behavior associated with performance in the context of the work which contains a teacher's behavior pattern is a true functional performance that is truly relevant tasks, and work systematically with students in the learning period. Bachri argues that efforts to promote and improve the quality of education at least pick and choose teachers through competency test towards the establishment of a professional teacher, is an important indicator in improving the quality of education that will produce qualified human resources as well, will ultimately raise the quality of the nation.
While the competence according to Herringer's "competence can be defined as the ability of an individual to perform a task using his / her knowledge, education, skills, and experience". Competence is the ability of individuals to perform tasks using the knowledge, education, skills and experience. According Suparlan kompeks that competence is a combination of knowledge, attitudes, skills, and values are shown by teachers in the context of the performance of tasks assigned to him. Usman believes that competence is the ability and authority of teachers in implementing keguruannya profession.
Thus it can be understood that competence is a person's ability to perform tasks using the knowledge, education, skills and experience. While the definition of teacher competence is the ability to be possessed by teachers include: knowledge, education, skills and experience in the learning process. In teaching a teacher should have a set of capabilities, both in terms of attitude and ability to educate and teach. In order for effective learning, then teachers need to be competent and professional in carrying out their duties. If the teacher does not have the competence and professionalism in the teaching learning process will be ineffective, so that educational goals will not materialize.
Thus, a teacher competent to say when the teacher has the ability and expertise in conducting learning activities so as to achieve the target of achieving the objectives related to the subject matter and has a maximum capability. Ability in question is the ability paedagogik, personality, social, and professional.
Competence of teachers is related to the formation of teacher professionalism. Professionalism is a set of knowledge or expertise that is typical of his profession. Professionalism is a proprietary set of skills or expertise in specific areas of legalized by a certificate by an institution. Therefore a professionalism are entitled to decent and fair reward to become a major supporter of pioneering career forward. Teacher professionalism is a set of skills possessed by a teaching staff from planning, implementation, and evaluation of learning activities. According Suparlan that professionalism was not a matter of competence, but merely the attitude problem, namely the attitude of teachers to be willing and able to become a professional teacher development and coaching through the efforts of teachers with a system that prioritizes professionalism. Of opinion is understandable that the professionalism of teachers is not solely related to competence (ability) of teachers alone in teaching, but rather it is related to the professional attitude of teachers in learning.
Professionalism of teachers in terms that other called professional skills of teachers. Bafadal explain, teachers' professional abilities pengembangkan interpreted as an effort to help teachers who have not matured into a mature, are not capable of managing itself be able to manage themselves, which do not meet the qualifications to meet the qualifications, which have not been accredited to be accredited. Maturity, ability to manage itself, fulfilling the qualifications are the traits of professionalism. Therefore an increase in teachers' professional abilities can also be interpreted as an effort to assist professional teachers who have not become a professional.
Conclusions and Suggestions
From these results we can conclude that: 1) a pattern or habit learning students SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan been disciplined since the beginning of a student to graduate from SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan. It starts from the process of coaching at the time of the MOS new students, the use of independent learning resources, assignments independently by teachers to students through the Student worksheet, and utilization of information technology such as laptops and internet usage. Thus visible clearly that the independence of student learning has been implanted in both the SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan. Likewise, students learn self-reliance is supported by an increase in the professionalism of teachers through the program and active follow-up study of English courses to offset the student's ability, 2) superior learning strategies conducted by SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan student learning activities that begins with face-to-face activities in the classroom supervised directly by the respective subject teachers. Then the second child directed and developed in the course of adaptation of learning activities based on interests and talents of study that begins by charging interest in the study format, then performed the test so that the child is determined based on the results of interest, namely: a) physics, b) biological, c ) mathematics, and d) chemical. Options that interest children can learn by study clubs, which involves all teachers in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan who have competence in all four areas. The third revision is Binjar (Tutoring) is a structured intensive program organized by the school to prepare students for the tests in either semester, public examinations and national tests. In addition, students also learn independently by road lessons or courses to supplement the deficiencies are not found in school and at home, from observations during this research activity the kids SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan scattered on courses that interested agencies, among others; Primagama , NEC, Ganesha, CGN, Mercury, and several other courses institutions, 3) to mengujudkan norms of excellence in developing a learning culture needed a set of lines the principal policy (education system) that encourages students to learn both from the principal, teachers , and students. In addition it is also required and the horizontal pattern of structural relationships between students, teachers, principals of the values transmitted in building an atmosphere of academic excellence in the learning process.
Based on these conclusions: 1) Head of Education Pamekasan District, is expected to monitor and evaluate the class RSBI in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan because RSBI in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan was the only junior high school at a level that will be initiated into international schools, particularly on the quality of learning, so it's really an icon of quality education in Pamekasan in the future, 2) the Head of State High School 1 Pamekasan, is expected to try to improve the quality of management at the existing RSBI class, so the learning process can run existing optimally. So that the class is ready to head SBI RSBI in the future, 3) The teacher in the classroom in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan, is expected to try to improve their performance in teaching, so that learning processes can run optimally and achieve the objectives as planned, 4 ) The students in the class RSBI in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan, is expected to be diligent and active learning in school and pay attention to the teacher's explanations to be able to understand the lessons well, so it can support the changing status of RSBI into SBI, 5) To the researchers, further research needs to be done about managerial skills of school heads from side to do with improving the quality of the school so the principal will tanpak performance in improving the quality of SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan.
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Saiful Hadi
Saiful Arif
Abstract: This article describes the results of this study about students' learning culture in schools excelent in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan. There are 3 (three) important things to study the subject in this study, namely: (1) how to plan learning activities that can foster a learning culture towards excellence in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan? (2) how the strategy used to learn each individual's success as the implementation of a learning culture in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan? (3) how to bring the norms of excellence to foster a learning culture in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan?
Keywords: Learning Cultural, Excelence School
The emergence of dynamic schools excelent in fact a phenomenon that in the eyes of education, it is an interesting study. Interesting because of the emergence of superior education institution is a warning or even as a total correction of the current national education is still not able to satisfy many people, especially students who have a spirit of excellence in achieving learning success, and the demands of parents or people who want the role of education has contributed
Superior school is a school that was developed to achieve excellence in the output (output) their education, and to achieve excellence is then input (input), the educational process, teachers and education personnel, management, education services, and supporting facilities should be directed to support the achievement of these goals .
That schools "excellent" is a school that has indicators: (1) academic achievement and non-academic in the above-average school in their district (2) facilities and infrastructure and a more complete service, (3) a better system of learning and time learn more length, (4) through a fairly rigorous selection of applicants, (5) obtain amino greatly from society, as evidenced by the large number of applicants than the capacity class, and (6) higher school fees than the school areas.
There are several factors that must be achieved if schools are categorized into superior schools, as follows: (1) professional school leadership, (2) tough teachers and professionals, (3) has a clear philosophical achievement goals, (4) environment conducive to learning, (5) A good network of organizations, (6) a clear curriculum, (7) evaluation of learning is good; (8) the participation of parents who are active in school activities
One among the indicators of excellence is better learning system, learning time is longer and one of advantages including environmental factors conducive to learning, are the two aspects of cultural phenomena that can bring their students to learn in school of excellence. For each winning school will create a system that can foster a learning culture is superior, the system can run with the maximum if there is support for an environment conducive to learning.
The spirit of excellence in education can be found in Pamekasan especially SMA 1 Pamekasan, in some recent period. The institution is able to get student-winning Olympic good science in physics or mathematics to the international level, namely in 2007 Andi Oktavian Latif, then in 2010 Sohibul Maromi, and in 2011 Allyssa Diva Mustika.
Student achievement is up to the international level is one among the indicators of a learning culture that excelences on every student at SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan, the creation of a learning culture in each of the learning process begins in the classroom and place on each invidivu they created the culture of quality.
Creating quality or excellence in environmental education is a chain of institutional birth of a learning culture, because: "... will happen in the form of adaptation strategies to learn the knowledge models that include a series of rules, instructions, recipes, plans, strategies -owned and used strategies to adjust to the environment ... education with excellence.
Environmental education has a tradition of excellence is built on an education system that has paradigm far forward facing global challenges of life and full of competitiveness. Ability to compete with educational institutions around him, let alone beyond the limits of excellence in the global environment, a phenomenon of excellence in learning learning culture in the students so they can be driven to have a good study of creativity and excellence as well.
SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan as an upper secondary educational institution designated by the District Government to design pioneering international school to be interesting to study in a focused way about the phenomenon of the emergence of a learning culture to achieve excellence in accordance with the spirit of educational institutions that have become institutions of excellence.
Research Methods
Research on students' learning culture in the School of Excellence in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan using a qualitative design with ethnographic approach, that through this approach Spardley quoted by Bruce L Breg that: "... is the work of describing a culture, ... the essential core of this activity aims to understand another way of life ". The statement provides direction on this study sought to describe culture, especially the students study habits, so as to understand the patterns of learning to be human beings learn to excel in performing daily activities either while in school or outside of school or when they learn at home.
Location of the study was conducted at a Secondary School Pamekasan, because in its history since 2006 held a superior class and the last three years was entrusted with the government to hold international school stubs (RSBI). For all this community has confidence that this agency has tried to improve the competitiveness or the quality of education in which one among the efforts improved through superior study habits in students. Digging terntang information on aspects of students' learning culture of excellence at the School of High School I Pamekasan were students, and developed to some informants the Head of School, Deputy Head of the Student and Deputy Head of the Curriculum and the Deputy Head of Public Relations Counseling as well as energy. The selection of informants was conducted in snowballing the researchers tracked the findings of the field in accordance with themes students have a learning culture, and developed the themes of a more focused through other informants in the community education and learning in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan.
According to the type of qualitative research using ethnographic approach, the presence of researchers in the field is very important and necessary to determine and optimally. Because researchers in this study acts as the main instrument (key) as well as collecting research data, as it also stated that as the main instrument, the researcher must be able to capture the meanings of student learning behavior which further interpreted and be understood data have been obtained from the field that occurs patterns of life (life pattern) in a special setting in the environment SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan. In-depth understanding of not just simply by relying on questionnaires or questionare or collect only limited documentation, because documentation, artifacts or symbols that captured the extent helps to know the essence of the desired data. Researchers as a key instrument, the study also uses the interview guide and observation (observation). The role of researchers in this research activity is a participant observer (partisipant observer). stated five types of participation and level of involvement, namely the passive participation of low-level involvement, participation of moderate middle-level involvement, active participation of high-level involvement, full participation is very high level of involvement and non-partisan, no level of involvement. The things that have been performed during the investigators at the study site are as follows:
a. Conduct consultations with the school to do research, and simultaneously determine the steps the implementation of research.
b. To conduct observations in the field to know the ins and outs of student or group of students who have excellence in learning.
c. Conducting interviews with key figures (the informant), data sources, to obtain as much data as possible and focused according to the research problem.
d. Collect supporting data or documentary data that can enrich the primary data from interviews with data sources and informants.
For the purposes of this study, data analysis techniques used in ethnography is the use of techniques: 1) domain, 2) taxonomy, 3) components of bad luck. 4) theme, Citing Spardley opinion, that the data obtained are organized first by considering the possibilities of solving, synthesis, analysis, and search patterns.
Qualitative research data analysis through a case study approach is not much different from other qualitative approaches which started the stages are: 1). Open Coding, which at this stage these researchers are trying to obtain as many variations of data related to research topics, things to do is examine, elaborate, examine, compare, conceptualize, and categorize data or phenomena obtained during the field . 2). Axial Coding, is the data generated from the open coding stage reorganized based on the categories to be developed toward the proposition. At this stage, conducted by researchers is to analyze the relationships between categories. 3). Celective Coding, ie at the stage of selective coding researchers classified the inspection process core categories related to other categories. Core category discovered through comparison of the relationship between categories by using the qualitative paradigm model, then generate general conclusions to be made a designe. The process of making a conclusion as the final step of the research activities in accordance with the main data for the research in the field.
The validity of the data can be checked and examined by using several criteria including: 1) Credibility, which is the credibility of the data is proving that what has been gained during the research activities in the form of qualitative data about the behavior or study habits of students at the school excels in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan. a.) deep observations, ie observations made in-depth and continuous keterhandalan or would hamper the credibility of the results or data obtained during the conduct of research. Researchers conducted observations of the behavior or study habits of students to achieve excellence dadlam understand the whole subject of choice and students' learning interest. b) Triangulation, the attempt to check the validity of the data with a variety of sources that are outside the data for consideration. This triangulation process can be done by: (1) Trianggulation data sources in the form of attempts to compare the views of someone who has obtained in the field with other people who really understand about sktifitas student learning activities. (2) Trianggulasi method of checking the validity of data obtained from various sources in the field using the same methods, or conversely that in order to check the source of the data obtained with different methods, field data obtained from the method of documentation or symbols that are in the field it is necessary to trace back the meaning, purpose and objectives through interviews with the informant or source of data, c) Discussion of your peers do the sharing or discussion, and discussion with colleagues who have expertise about the study habits of students at SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan. 2). Dependibilitas, namely the assessment of a study until the end of writing a scientific paper, these activities are done in order to avoid errors or conceptual errors begin the study design, data collection and analysis, report writing until the end of a scientific paper, 3). Confirmability, confirmability is done in order to assess and examine the linkages between data research, information, and interpretation in the organization of a scientific report which is supported by the materials you have available. The research instrument to confirm the findings of the data in the study are researchers themselves, because the researcher is the key instrument to be able to find an objective and valid data, in other words the findings obtained totally objective and unbiased.
Research Findings and Discussion
1. How to plan a learning activity that is able to foster a learning culture towards excellence in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan
Patterns or habits of students studying SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan been disciplined since the beginning of a student to graduate from SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan. It starts from the process of coaching at the time of the MOS new students, the use of independent learning resources, assignments independently by teachers to students through the Student Worksheet, and utilization of information technology such as laptops and internet usage. Thus tanpak clearly that the independence of student learning has been implanted in both the SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan. Likewise, students learn self-reliance is supported by an increase in the professionalism of teachers through the program and active follow-up study of English courses to offset the student's ability.
Some exposure to the above shows that the study conducted by each learner, at whatever level and type of education will be a culture and become self-image of children eager to learn and strong in developing learning much influenced by various factors that promote the learning culture. The factor arises from the internal (psykhologis) child or school environmental factors (external) which promotes cultural learning process.
a. Internal factors students
Aspects of these internal factors mean that something that comes from within the individual or encouragement from within so that they have learned the power of maximal (prime) in acquiring knowledge and learning experiences, there are two things that affect the internal aspects of a boost student learning, namely:
1) Autosuggestions
What is meant by the term autosuggestions are the ideas of the original learning and growing and thriving in a person terinternaslisasi be about learning new behaviors. The meaning of autosuggestions is: "... as a kind of self-programming, a way to practice the habit of self-confidence Increased Abilities aboute your learning ...". This auto-suggestion can be a positive statement about the ideas and concepts that can bring a person can focus and concentration in learning.
Positive statements about the ideas and concepts that can affect one's learning culture such as learning can deliver success; learning can open up a wider horizon of knowledge, enthusiasm and strong high learning will have an impact on learning success and compete with their own friends.
Positive ideas about learning and self-concept can also affect one's confidence in designing learning programs during the learning activities on the levels and types of education, such as if studying as hard as possible without any interference in each phase of the evaluation study at the school will be able to pass well without there are subjects that are scattered and do not pass the exam.
Not easy to generate auto-suggestion in each student to have a culture of high learning and tough, because not all children have the same learning abilities, only to get children to think logically and to provide concrete and beliefs (spiritual quession) depth is a factor that can increase confidence and have a suggestion myself in understanding the importance of learning in school, resulting in changes in learning behavior of the learning styles of origin and do not pass up the class into learning styles to achieve brilliant achievements in accordance with desired by the student and the school developed in accordance with the target learning success.
2) The learning experience of the past
The learning experience of the past is also a source of inspiration for the change and the development of cultural learning in students, because experience is the best teacher is able to provide correction of errors and failures have ever done before.
The learning experience of the past about the possibility of a lack of success in learning many things that can be brought so as to change the culture of learning towards an effective, superior and maskimal in learning activities such as: 1) select a time to learn so that really does not interfere with learning needs, 2) then repeat the learning experience in generating concepts of learning and emotional learning to be more focus and concentration, 3) recall the positive statements about learning such as learning is a tourist, a lot to learn so much gain knowledge and experience, learning to maintain mental and personality, Be enthusiastic in learning, knowledge and memory is easy for everyone.
Positive statements about the study can give encouragement to individuals who are just starting and will develop a learning culture in every field of popular science. There are still many factors that can influence the internal culture hamper student learning such as development and aging affect a person's culture of learning, readiness (readiness) to learn is something that absolutely can influence learning success.
b. External factors students
External factors are the elements that accompany the presence of individuals in performing the learning activities of students, Nuraini mention that the external elements that affect children's learning culture is: a) awareness, b) an intelligent teacher, c) sufficient material, and d) the time and opportunity Adequate
Factors of concern are referred to here in are the views and attitudes of all elements of civitas learning in the school environment have a paradigm of a superior quality of learning so that this will always be visible by students while in class about how to teach are really ready and member of attention to given subject, all the tasks given to children to respond and do not just finish the task but has the weight and breadth in its completion.
While the second element is a smart teacher, teacher attendance for students is an important element, because without the guidance and direction of teachers is not possible the learning process, because the role and function of the teacher is as a designer and implementer of learning processes in the classroom, enrichment processes and activities independent student learning.
The presence of an intelligent teacher described in the legislation referred to teachers and lecturers with professional teachers or educators, its meaning as told by Surya (2005) quoted Kunandar: "... teachers' professional dedication is reflected in the implementation of the tasks that are marked with expertise both in the material or method, and demonstrated through its responsibilities in implementing the entire devotion ... "
This is done in order to create a superior learning. According Bafadal, the learning seed (the excellence of teaching process) can be interpreted as follows:
Learning is a leading teaching and learning process that was developed in order learning all students based on differences in the level of excellence (individual differences), to make faithful and devoted to God Almighty, master of science and technology independently but remain in the company is able to produce the best work in face the world of free competition.
Meanwhile, Ardhana, learning is superior teaching and learning processes that enable all children can develop themselves to the limits of the maximum.
The seed can be said to be superior learning, at least meet the 3 (three) conditions namely, (a) can serve all students (not just some students), (b) in all children get a superior learning experience to learn as much as possible, and (c) although all students get the maximum learning experience, the process varies depending on the level of skills and characteristics are concerned. According to Mangieri that 8 (eight) conditions that allow all educational institutions to achieve excellence, namely: (1) a rigorous curriculum, (2) teachers who are competent, (3) the characteristics of effectiveness, (4) testing to prove that the student has achieved something, (5) community support and parental involvement, (6) adequate financing (7) strong discipline, (8) linkages in traditional values.
The advantages of learning need to be managed properly in order to achieve optimal results. To realize this, the advantage of learning is the key to the success of this learning there are several things to note are (1) the advantage of learning can increase the success in learning, (2) the success of learning can be realized if it is determined by the quality of its management. The better the quality of teaching, learning all the more effective it can achieve its goals, and (3) effective learning requires the ability to create, maintain and improve learning, whether conducted in the school and outside school. For improved its development strategies are needed kunggulan learning learning system that varies with the variety of innovations, both in classroom management, learning models, and content of learning, for example by: (1) Moving Classroom, (2) CTL (Contectual Teaching and Learning) (3) QTL (Quantum Teaching and Learning) (4) Lifeskills Education, (5) Competency Based Curriculum, (6) The Accelerated Learning (Sonhadji, 2003). Moreover, it can be done in a way, humanizing the classroom, active learning, berpengantar foreign languages (biligual programs ).
Efforts to improve the quality of education through schools in Indonesia have been started since 1951. The emphasis of quality improvement is done by maintaining an atmosphere of learning so that teaching and learning process can take place even with the teachers and the equipment that is still simple. As an illustration, the teaching staff prior to the time of independence consisted mostly of low school teachers most of whom do not have the educational background of teachers. After independence, the teacher shortage continues. Some contributing factors, among others (1) many teachers who left his post to join the army struggles to maintain independence, and (2) the popular demand for education increased.
In 1970-1994, the development is focused on expanding education and educational equality with due regard to quality improvement. Quality improvement program aimed at improving the quality of processes and outcomes of education. Quality education can be improved if the process of teaching and learning takes place effectively, learners experience the learning process meaningful, and supported by resource infrastructure, adequate human and financial. Therefore, the systematic intervention of the inputs, processes, and the examination system so as to provide assurance of high quality education system.
Since 1994, improving the quality of education in schools focused on three main factors, namely (1) quality and quantity of educational resources to support the educational process in the sense of providing the amount and quality of teachers, provision of student textbooks and library books, and the provision of a operational and laboratory equipment, (2) the quality of the education process in terms of curriculum and a state where learners have to learn, and (3) the quality of the output of the educational process in terms of skills and knowledge acquired by learners.
Conceptually, the quality of education is expected to affect long-term effort. Improving the quality of continuing education (sustainable quality improvement) would be created if the quality was obtained through the efforts of the institution concerned in its education programs and the role of government as boosters and facilitator.
Priorities to improve the quality of education in elementary and secondary education there are at least five problems mandasar, namely (1) achievement of the NEM that the average low, (2) the scoring NEM which varies among the provinces as an indicator of uneven quality, (3) the quality of teachers with a low educational level indicators and research results, (4) disparity between the distribution of teachers of social sciences and mathematics / science, and the number of teachers between one region to another, and (5) with low internal efficiency indicators of the length of time is wasted learning ( pupils wasted year) and years of wasted costs (cost wasted year) as a result of failing grades and high school dropouts.
Real steps taken to solve five problems above are equivalent to high school teachers equalization S-1, in addition to teacher inservice elementary and secondary education. Other strategies include increased quality and quantity of educational infrastructure, the development of excellent schools as centers of excellence with the intention of other schools in the surrounding areas are stimulated to improve the quality of education, curriculum development oriented to the improvement of teaching and learning methods in order to improve science and technology, and improving the quality and welfare of teachers and other education personnel. According to Roux and Ferreira that the teacher will need to adapt effectivelly to rapid and pervasive changes in educational policy and the provision of education as determined and directed by the educational authorities, if the education system is to meet with success and guarantee That children's learning embodies the principles of social justice, human rights, a healthy environment and inclusivity. This means that teachers need to effectively adjust to changes quickly and pervasive in educational policy and provision of education as prescribed and directed by the education authorities, if the education system is to meet with success and ensure that children's learning includes the principle principles of social justice, human rights, a healthy environment and inclusivity.
2. The strategy used to learn each individual's success as the implementation of a learning culture in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan
Superior learning strategies conducted by SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan student learning activities that begins with face to face in-class activities are supervised directly by the respective subject teachers. Then the second child directed and developed in the course of adaptation of learning activities based on interests and talents of study that begins by charging interest in the study form, then performed the test so that the child is determined based on the results of interest, namely: a) physics, b) biological, c ) mathematics, and d) chemical. Options that interest children can learn by study clubs, which involves all teachers in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan who have competence in all four areas. The third revision is tutorial is a structured intensive program organized by the school to prepare students for the tests in either semester, public examinations and national tests. In addition, students also learn independently by road lessons or courses to supplement the deficiencies that are not found in school and at home, from observations during this research activity the kids SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan scattered on courses that interested agencies, among others; Primagama , NEC, Ganesha, CGN, Mercury, and several other courses institutes. Concentration and seriousness of learning does not necessarily grow up and become a culture in the child, but should the effort to cultivate and develop the learning culture. Because as well as readiness to learn that occur in each individual, will happen when it starts to increase in the developmental age and the number of learning exercises that accompany tasks progres. Culture of learning that occurs in children is closely linked to a willingness to learn as the developmental tasks of each individual and the attention surrounding environment to give effect to the child developing a learning culture.
Individuals of students who have good study habits, if the individual has to learn the proper technique as a series of planning processes of learning, the learning activity itself and the last is after learning. Learning activities are divided into three component activities of Ronald Gross mentions, among others:
a. Before Learning:
1. Proactive reading a technique to get exactly what you want from book and article
2. The Vee Heuristic Techniqu, to preview in your mind the key questions you want to aswer in any learning situations
b. While Learning:
1. Mind-mapping a technique That encourages the use of your natural mental associations to organize incoming information.
2. Probes the Kinds of questions you can formulate to become actively involved with your information by creatively anticipating where it is leading
c. After Learning
1. Memory impowerment, techniques to store factual data your memory is more easily
2. Instant replay, a technique for deep recall and reviuw of any experience to increase of wath you learn from it.
Base on the view above, that the study contains three main stages to achieve success in understanding the text of the books subjects and experience-hand experience that can be encountered. Stage activities include: a) the stage before learning, b) the stages when learning and c) the following stages of learning activities.
Activities before learning begins with collecting books that will be studied according to their talents and interests of student learning subjects and majors at each school, so the material can be available to be studied well and will gain a broader understanding and facilitate and not boring (enjoiment) in learning. Preparing for reading books to learn and read as much as possible before making pembelajaraan activity is a way to be active, and can steer themselves, as well as creative in dealing with problems of learning materials in schools.
Results readings from books that have been prepared in advance and the daily experience of the knowledge acquired by each individual, performed subsequent deepening of using the technique of "V" Heuristics, that any new knowledge is always questionable and will be studied by using a framework of understanding began; "thinking - action - a new experience ". That he needed to do a person in learning activities is not enough just to read but do interviews / interviews, field research, preparation of preliminary, do questions and answers, and read back from the books similar discussion.
Next are the core activities of learning, a person or students who conduct activities to learn and become his study habits, they always pay attention to three main aspects as patterns of learning, namely: read, listen and discuss. Patterns of learning that needs to be done every individual in understanding the subject matter is to do mind mapping or concept mapping learning materials were read and discussed so that finding a more convenient and precise in understanding such as formulas, the arguments or apply them in practical work in the laboratory. The next study is the core activity of the probes to investigate the subject matter being studied, students usually learn in class when the teacher who was teaching using the teaching methods of Inquiry is to take the children to learn to assess and find solutions themselves the problems found in teaching activities.
Learning activities that last one is post-process the core learning activity that is the efforts made by all students to maintain learning outcomes in order not to forget the knowledge and experience gained during learning activities. Some strategies to strengthen memory, among others: a) selecting the main purpose of learning, this is related to the expected learning goals of each learner or student when given a task to each subject, b) enthusiastic and comitmen, meaning that individual feelings of enthusiasm and commitment committed to the success of learning is an emotional impulse that can amplify gains on any subject matter, c) apply effective learning patterns, the choice of effective learning patterns will affect the strength to remember and maintain the knowledge already acquired in the learning activities that have been carried out, patterns of learning effective such as: 1) make a brief record of each material being studied. 2) make a record of the difficult words in each lesson theme.
3. Embody the norms of excellence to foster a learning culture in the SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan
Building norms for excellence in developing a learning culture needed a set of lines the principal policy (education system) that encourages students to learn both from principals, teachers, and students. In addition it is also required and the horizontal pattern of structural relationships between students, teachers, principals of the values transmitted in building an atmosphere of academic excellence in the learning process.
In learning, teachers are one source of student learning that has a very important role in determining the course of teaching and learning process. The task of teachers as a profession demands on teachers to develop self competency in accordance with the development of science and technology. Educate, teach and train students is the job of the teacher as a profession. The task of teachers as educators is to continue and develop the values of life to the students. The task of teachers as a teacher means to continue and develop science and technology to the students. The task of teachers as a coach means to develop skills and apply them in life for the sake of future students. This is where a teacher is required to have competence.
According to Harris et al., The ability (competence) is a picture of the behavior associated with performance in the context of the work which contains a teacher's behavior pattern is a true functional performance that is truly relevant tasks, and work systematically with students in the learning period. Bachri argues that efforts to promote and improve the quality of education at least pick and choose teachers through competency test towards the establishment of a professional teacher, is an important indicator in improving the quality of education that will produce qualified human resources as well, will ultimately raise the quality of the nation.
While the competence according to Herringer's "competence can be defined as the ability of an individual to perform a task using his / her knowledge, education, skills, and experience". Competence is the ability of individuals to perform tasks using the knowledge, education, skills and experience. According Suparlan kompeks that competence is a combination of knowledge, attitudes, skills, and values are shown by teachers in the context of the performance of tasks assigned to him. Usman believes that competence is the ability and authority of teachers in implementing keguruannya profession.
Thus it can be understood that competence is a person's ability to perform tasks using the knowledge, education, skills and experience. While the definition of teacher competence is the ability to be possessed by teachers include: knowledge, education, skills and experience in the learning process. In teaching a teacher should have a set of capabilities, both in terms of attitude and ability to educate and teach. In order for effective learning, then teachers need to be competent and professional in carrying out their duties. If the teacher does not have the competence and professionalism in the teaching learning process will be ineffective, so that educational goals will not materialize.
Thus, a teacher competent to say when the teacher has the ability and expertise in conducting learning activities so as to achieve the target of achieving the objectives related to the subject matter and has a maximum capability. Ability in question is the ability paedagogik, personality, social, and professional.
Competence of teachers is related to the formation of teacher professionalism. Professionalism is a set of knowledge or expertise that is typical of his profession. Professionalism is a proprietary set of skills or expertise in specific areas of legalized by a certificate by an institution. Therefore a professionalism are entitled to decent and fair reward to become a major supporter of pioneering career forward. Teacher professionalism is a set of skills possessed by a teaching staff from planning, implementation, and evaluation of learning activities. According Suparlan that professionalism was not a matter of competence, but merely the attitude problem, namely the attitude of teachers to be willing and able to become a professional teacher development and coaching through the efforts of teachers with a system that prioritizes professionalism. Of opinion is understandable that the professionalism of teachers is not solely related to competence (ability) of teachers alone in teaching, but rather it is related to the professional attitude of teachers in learning.
Professionalism of teachers in terms that other called professional skills of teachers. Bafadal explain, teachers' professional abilities pengembangkan interpreted as an effort to help teachers who have not matured into a mature, are not capable of managing itself be able to manage themselves, which do not meet the qualifications to meet the qualifications, which have not been accredited to be accredited. Maturity, ability to manage itself, fulfilling the qualifications are the traits of professionalism. Therefore an increase in teachers' professional abilities can also be interpreted as an effort to assist professional teachers who have not become a professional.
Conclusions and Suggestions
From these results we can conclude that: 1) a pattern or habit learning students SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan been disciplined since the beginning of a student to graduate from SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan. It starts from the process of coaching at the time of the MOS new students, the use of independent learning resources, assignments independently by teachers to students through the Student worksheet, and utilization of information technology such as laptops and internet usage. Thus visible clearly that the independence of student learning has been implanted in both the SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan. Likewise, students learn self-reliance is supported by an increase in the professionalism of teachers through the program and active follow-up study of English courses to offset the student's ability, 2) superior learning strategies conducted by SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan student learning activities that begins with face-to-face activities in the classroom supervised directly by the respective subject teachers. Then the second child directed and developed in the course of adaptation of learning activities based on interests and talents of study that begins by charging interest in the study format, then performed the test so that the child is determined based on the results of interest, namely: a) physics, b) biological, c ) mathematics, and d) chemical. Options that interest children can learn by study clubs, which involves all teachers in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan who have competence in all four areas. The third revision is Binjar (Tutoring) is a structured intensive program organized by the school to prepare students for the tests in either semester, public examinations and national tests. In addition, students also learn independently by road lessons or courses to supplement the deficiencies are not found in school and at home, from observations during this research activity the kids SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan scattered on courses that interested agencies, among others; Primagama , NEC, Ganesha, CGN, Mercury, and several other courses institutions, 3) to mengujudkan norms of excellence in developing a learning culture needed a set of lines the principal policy (education system) that encourages students to learn both from the principal, teachers , and students. In addition it is also required and the horizontal pattern of structural relationships between students, teachers, principals of the values transmitted in building an atmosphere of academic excellence in the learning process.
Based on these conclusions: 1) Head of Education Pamekasan District, is expected to monitor and evaluate the class RSBI in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan because RSBI in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan was the only junior high school at a level that will be initiated into international schools, particularly on the quality of learning, so it's really an icon of quality education in Pamekasan in the future, 2) the Head of State High School 1 Pamekasan, is expected to try to improve the quality of management at the existing RSBI class, so the learning process can run existing optimally. So that the class is ready to head SBI RSBI in the future, 3) The teacher in the classroom in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan, is expected to try to improve their performance in teaching, so that learning processes can run optimally and achieve the objectives as planned, 4 ) The students in the class RSBI in SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan, is expected to be diligent and active learning in school and pay attention to the teacher's explanations to be able to understand the lessons well, so it can support the changing status of RSBI into SBI, 5) To the researchers, further research needs to be done about managerial skills of school heads from side to do with improving the quality of the school so the principal will tanpak performance in improving the quality of SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan.
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- saiful
- Active as a lecturer at universities, training facilitator, activist participatory action research.
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