Saturday, October 8, 2011

Culture of Smart Learning

Culture or cultural phenomenon manifested not only in material things, but also something that is abstract in the mind of every human being, namely in the form of human knowledge system model used by the owner to interpret objects, and actions and emotions.

(Suparlan: 1980) in Olympic, affirming culture is the whole of human knowledge as a social being used to understand and menginteprtasikan experience, an environment that becomes the foundation for creating the framework and promote the establishment of behavior. Learning culture that exist within the individual or group of students, especially at the flagship school is the pattern of behavior that serves as a blueprint adopted and carried out dynamizing her students to achieve excellence in learning appropriate regulatory framework superior schools.
Cultural learning can be viewed as the ability to adapt to the environment, either physical or social environment, kemampuana this adaptation can mean a person or a student trying to learn to adapt the existing state of the social environment at school, or otherwise students could face a social environment to fit the willingness to learn himself.
 If the state of the learning environment or school has a rigorous institutional characteristics, disciplined and challenging, then someone demanded to adapt to the demands of the agency, otherwise if an institution is less challenging social environment, not too tight and the lack of discipline in the organization of academic activities, then one which has a high learning culture must be able to face these challenges so that the process of adaptation in his environment that there can be a driver of change in the conduct of learning in accordance with the wishes of her (the student) to work better than peers who do not have a high adaptability to the environment where learning.
Behavior of individuals or students to always learn not just carry out obligations to the state itself as a protégé, but learning habitual behavior is a manifestation of learners who come from within the individual. It is based essentially that every individual has a high spirit of learning in the context of lifelong learning is learning from childhood to adulthood, not just the demands of school achievement, but it is a personal demands. The fact is in line with an understanding of the concept of lifelong learning in formal education.
The concept of lifelong learning means that: "... a continuously supportive process the which stimulates and empowers individuals to aquare all the knowledge, values, skills and understanding Will They require throughote Their lifetime and to Apply Them each confidence, crearivity and enjoyment in all roles, circumstances and environments.
Learning activities as the behavior of one's life and as a culture for themselves, then each individual has the characteristics of self in learning activities both within the school, outside school, or when they beradadi household environment.
Characteristic individual learning are called learning styles are: "... as" the individual's characteristic Airways of processing information, feeling, and behaving in Learning Situations ". Learning behaviors performed by each individual using each according to background characteristics and their own lives to acquire information or knowledge from school and the experience gained from outside the school environment, as well as in dealing with or responding to the learning situation in the surrounding.
Learning styles of students is conducted on how the individual style of learning activity for the better and more successful in participating in educational activities in schools, and the nature of learning itself is the occurrence of behavioral changes in self indivdu associated with increased knowledge, skills possessed functional as a result of learning and the formation of the values ​​of life in individuals who practiced self in the face and respond to the realities of living in the community both while in or outside the school environment.
  Knowledge, skills, values ​​or attitudes that the individual is obtained as a result of learning is permanent or inherent within the individual student, and evolving in accordance with the will and motivation to learn which grows along with the environmental conditions that encourage the accumulation of these learning outcomes. These three aspects of learning outcomes that is the central point of learning objective itself, which occurred simultaneously in the students about the culture of the spirit of learning towards sustainable success in any situation, in any place, and any psychological condition of their (students) are able to use his time to melungkan power of thought and concentration to learn the maximum ..

Factors Affecting Student Learning Culture in Schools
Cultural learning is an outlook, attitude and tangible in the daily behavior of students to acquire knowledge, experience, and values ​​are practiced in life. Learning is one among the functions of human organs especially the brain syraf which is also influenced by the functions of internal organs. Ronald Gross (1991) describes the function of brain neurons that: "... the brain is the part of the body, every brain it shares the body's chemical and emotional environment, Greenwich influence learning".
Sebaai human brain functions controlling the occurrence of learning activities in a person such as a process of transformation within the brain itself, problem solving, a person's internal processes that drive behavior change, the creation and exchange of something relevant and meaningful to the individual self. In some terori one of which states that: "... learning as neurological stimulus and response and the process of conditioning
Some exposure to the above shows that the study undertaken by each learner, at whatever level and type of education will be a culture and become self-image of children eager to learn and powerful in developing the learning is heavily influenced by various factors that promote the learning culture. The factor arises from the internal (psikhologis) child or school environmental factors (external) that drive the process of learning culture.
a.Internal students factor
Aspects of these internal factors mean that something that comes from within the individual or encouragement from within so that they have learned the power of maximal (prime) in acquiring knowledge and learning experiences, there are two things that affect the internal aspects of a boost student learning, namely:
What is meant by the term autosuggestions are the ideas of the original learning and growing and thriving in a person terinternaslisasi be about learning new behaviors. The meaning of autosuggestions is: "... as a kind of self-programming a way to practice the habit of self-confidence Increased Abilities aboute your learning ...". This auto-suggestion can be a positive statement about the ideas and concepts that can bring a person can focus and concentration in learning.
Positive statements about the ideas and concepts that can affect one's learning culture such as learning can deliver success; learning can open up a wider horizon of knowledge, a high learning spirit and strong will have an impact on the success of learning and able to compete with their own friends.
Positive ideas and concepts about learning self-confidence can also affect a person in designing learning programs during the learning activities on the levels and types of education, such as when studying as hard as possible without any interference in each phase of the evaluation study at the school will be able to pass well without There are scattered subjects and did not pass the exam.
Not easy to generate auto-suggestion in each student to have a culture of high learning and tough, because not all children have the same learning ability, just to get children to think logically and to provide concrete and beliefs (spiritual quession) deep is a factor that can increase your confidence and have a suggestion ourselves in understanding the importance of learning in schools, resulting in behavioral changes in learning from home style learning and do not pass up the class into learning styles to achieve brilliant achievements in accordance with desired by the student and the school developed in accordance with the target learning success.
2.Studying experience past
The learning experience of the past is also a source of inspiration for the change and the development of cultural learning in students, because experience is the best teacher is able to provide correction of errors and failures have ever done before.
The learning experience of the past about the possibility of a lack of success in learning many things that can be revealed so as to change the culture towards effective learning, and maskimal excel in learning activities such as: 1) choose a study time that really does not interfere with learning needs, 2) then repeat the learning experience in generating concepts of learning and emotional learning to be more focus and concentration, 3) recall the positive statements about learning such as learning is a travel, a lot to learn so much gain knowledge and experience, learn to maintain mental and personality, Be enthusiastic in learning, knowledge and memory are easy for everyone.
Positive statements about learning that can give encouragement to individuals who are just starting and will develop a learning culture in every field of science that mainstream. There are still many factors that affect the internal culture can affect student learning and development as a person's age affects the culture of learning, readiness (readiness) learning is something that absolutely can affect the success of learning.
b.External students factor
External factors are the elements that accompany the existence of the individual in performing the learning activities of students, Nuraini mention that the external elements that affect children's learning culture is: a) awareness, b) teachers who are intelligent, c) sufficient material, and d) the time and opportunity Adequate
Factor of concern in question here are the views and attitudes of all elements of civitas learning in the school environment have a superior paradigm of quality learning so this will always be visible by students while in class about how to teach that truly ready and member of attention to given subject, all the tasks given to children to respond and do not just finish the task but has the weight and breadth of the solution.
While the second element is a smart teacher, teacher attendance for students is an important element, because without guidance and direction of the teacher learning process can not happen, because the role and function of the teacher is as a designer and implementer of learning processes in the classroom, enrichment processes and activities independent student learning.
The presence of an intelligent teacher described in the legislation referred to by teachers and lecturers are professional teachers or educators, its meaning, as suggested by Surya (2005) quoted Kunandar: "... teachers' professional devotion is reflected in the implementation of the tasks that are marked with expertise both in the material or method, and shown through all his dedication in carrying out its responsibilities ... "
Affirmed in Law Number 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers among several important elements, namely: "... a) have the talent, interest, call the soul, and idealism, b) is committed to improving the quality of education, faith, devotion, and noble character , c) has the academic qualifications and educational background in accordance with its assignment, ... "The attitude of professionalism is demonstrated in the duties and obligations of everyday with intelligence and skill in carrying out educational activities and instruction and guidance to the students.
Next is the influence of sufficient material, the intention is that schools that have adequate standards of learning content standards or curriculum in accordance with government regulations have been enacted. Government Regulation no. 19 of 2005 in particular Article 6 paragraph 1 in Rusman (2009) that the curriculum for general education, vocational, and specialized in elementary and secondary education consists of:
a. group of subjects of religion and noble character
b. country of citizenship subject groups and personalities
c. group of subjects in science and technology
d. aesthetic subject groups
e. physical subject groups, sports and health.
All components of these subjects is a minimum standard for any educational institution which is ruled by the Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs Ministry of Republic of Indonesia, and educational institutions seeking to possess the advantage will develop curriculum components will meet the needs of schools and local government district / city each .
Then the last factor that affects the culture of learning is time and opportunity enough to learn for students, when schools provide adequate time to learn the child such as adding classes, outside of school hours will effectively provide ample opportunity for children to develop creative learning of subjects of interest.
When students have sufficient time outside of school and learning opportunities, linked to the ability of students to organize and choose the right time to assess and develop an understanding of the subject matter and the school determined that interest the students themselves.
Time and learning opportunities outside school hours are very flexible depending on the awareness and commitment of students, for students who do not have the commitment and awareness pentingnyamenambah hours of learning it will be difficult to complete understanding of the lesson. Set the time and opportunity to learn outside of school hours, can be used for guidance of learning (courses) to teachers who held either at school or tutoring providers to agencies close to the domicile of students.

Student Study Habits 
Learning activities are demanding the seriousness and awareness of each individual in the learning process so that it will obtain good learning results. Akifitas study consisted of physical activity that involves endurance, eye health, and health hearing to determine the subject matter needs to be studied, as it also psikhis activities associated with the job of the brain to process the responses obtained from physical activity into understanding and new knowledge as a result of learning.
Both aspects of both physical activity and psikhis to perform the learning activities requiring concentration and seriousness of the resulting primed and effective learning activities in studying each load of subjects that have been determined.
Concentration and seriousness of learning does not necessarily grow up and become a culture in the child, but should the effort to cultivate and develop the learning culture. Because as well as readiness to learn that occur in each individual, will happen when it starts to increase in the developmental age and the number of learning exercises that accompany pekermbangan tasks. Culture of learning that occurs in children is closely linked to willingness to learn as individuals and the developmental tasks of attention surrounding environment to give effect to the child developing a learning culture.
Individuals of students who have good study habits, if the individual has learned the proper technique as a series of planning processes of learning, learning activity itself and the last is after learning. Learning activities are divided into three component activities of Ronald Gross mentions, among others:
a.Before Learning:
1.Proactive reading a technique to get exactly what you want from book and article
2.The Vee Heuristic Techniqu, to preview in your mind the key questions you want to aswer in any learning Situations
b.While Learning:
1.Mind-mapping a technique that encourages the use of your natural mental associations to organize incoming information.
2.Probes the Kinds of questions you can formulate to Become actively involved creatively with your information by anticipating where it is leading
c.After Learning
1.Memory impowerment, techniques to store your memory is factual data more easily
2.Instan replay, a technique for deep recall and reviuw of any experience to increase of wath you learn from it.


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Acording to aview of the above, that the study contains three main stages to achieve success in understanding the text of the books subjects and direct experience that can be encountered. Stage activities include: a) the stages of prior learning, b) the stages when learning and c) the stage after doing the learning activities.
Activities before learning begins by collecting books that will be studied according to their talents and interests of students towards learning of subjects and majors at each school, so the material can be available to be studied well and will gain a broader understanding and ease and not boring (enjoiment) in learning. Preparing for reading books to learn and read as much as possible before making pembelajaraan activity is a way to be active, and can steer themselves, as well as creative in dealing with problems of learning materials in schools.
Results readings from books that have been prepared in advance and everyday experience of the knowledge acquired by each individual, performed subsequent deepening of using the technique of "V" heuristic, that any new knowledge is always questionable and will be studied using the framework of understanding began; "thinking - action - a new experience ". That he needed to do a person in learning activities is not enough just to read but do interviews / interviews, field research, preparation of preliminary, do questions and answers, and read back from these books similar discussion.
Next is the core of learning activities, a person or students who conduct activities to learn and become his study habits, they always pay attention to three main aspects as patterns of learning, namely: read, listen and discuss. Patterns of learning that needs to be done every individual in understanding the subject matter is to do mind mapping or concept mapping learning materials were read and discussed so finding a more convenient and precise in understanding such as formulas, postulates, or apply them in practical work in laboratory. The next study is the core activity of the probes to investigate the subject matter being studied, students usually learn in class when the teacher who was teaching using teaching methods Inquiry is to take the children to learn to assess and find solutions themselves the problems found in teaching activities.
Learning activities that last one is the core activity of post-process learning that the efforts made by each learner to maintain the learning outcomes in order not to forget for the knowledge and experience gained during learning activities. Some strategies to strengthen memory, among others; a) selecting the main purpose to learn, this is related to the expected learning objectives of each learner or student when given the task in each subject, b) enthusiasm and comitmen, meaning that individual feelings of enthusiasm and commitment committed to the success of learning is an emotional impulse which can amplify gains on any subject matter, c) implementing effective learning patterns, the choice of effective learning patterns will influence the power to recall and preserve the knowledge already acquired in the learning activities that have been conducted, patterns of learning Effective as: 1) make a brief note of each material being studied. 2) make a record of the difficult words in each lesson theme.


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