Saturday, October 8, 2011

School of Excellence

State education reform agenda in Indonesia can not be separated from the government's efforts to redefine presence for education at all levels and types of education, that the reality of education in our country are degraded, that it does not feel the wave of reform that occurred in the late nineties have an impact on the joints life of society and state.

Starting from the governance changes that centralized changes to decentralized governance, the dynamics of governance change in the impact to the efforts to improve governance in education.
Co-education has been centralized from the central government policies, both existing educational institutions under the Ministry of National Education, or who take shelter under the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. The impact of these reforms provide opportunities to the world of education, partly due to the granting authority of the central government to district / city to make breakthroughs or improvements in the administration of educational services to the community.
Improvisation is the responsibility of providing education to improve the quality of education services to community expectations can be met the needs of superior education that can increase intelligence and independence of students' learning progress. Providing education in school excellence and quality education is an activity that is able to bear children have a creative learning students who excel as well. That the school was: "... manage education in schools ... mempertumbuhkan specific activity that is capable of learning situations in accordance with school goals and fit the needs, interests, students and citizens and the local community ..."
Based on the phenomenon of education or superior quality, the agency said excel in each school that include the word, the word superior is identified with the effective schools, schools that could exceed the target set for himself with a higher target. Peter Mortimore (1996) defines an effective school (superior), namely: "... a high-performing school, through its well-established system promotes the highest academis and other achievements for the maximum number of student regardelles of its socio economic background of the families' . Definition of superior schools also confirmed by Cheng (1996) states that: "... winning school is a school that has the ability glittering function optimally, both economic function, social function of humanitarian, political functions, as well as educational function".
 Berdarakan sense noted above, that the school is said to have advantages if what has been planned and a decision can be reached even further or better than what I have set it. The success is due to surpass the achievements of schools are able to optimize all inputs, both from the aspect of students' backgrounds indiscriminately the lives of children, aspects of teachers as educators, and learning facilities and infrastructure owned or other educational personnel, as well as the optimal learning process for achievement of educational output is a superior student achievement marked by the possession of the child against all the competencies of skills required in learning.
Excel in school if the school management perspective mamu exploit resources held in these institutions can be empowered through a rational and systematic actions (including planning, organizing, mobilization measures, and control) to achieve school goals effectively and efficiently. The school is trying to get to the excellence of institutions and instruments to go beyond the minimum, or try as much as possible beyond that have been determined by government policies on education quality standards. Quality standards set by the superior education institutions want to equate themselves with the quality of education by institutions in global competition, especially at the international level.
 Excel in school and learning perspectives of students, that there is meaningful learning culture, namely repons high psychological well in the child social, emotional, and intellectual protégé absorbed during the school environment, which in turn brings changes to the child in the form of patterns of values, attitudes and the winning habit or learned behavior.
Superior learning behavior dimili ki student is substantially as a core feature of schools run by the values ​​of excellence, as is usually no other schools with the management system as it is living on minimum norms according to the instructions and regulations from the government. So also the interpretation of learning achievement of students, they seek to transcend the limits of minimum standards that have been determined to learn the interests of his success in school, but they seek to transcend beyond the school achievement at the national, and international levels.
Keberhasilna learning could exceed the national standards and aligned with students at the international level is a manifestation or indicator of the size of the success of creating the concept of school excellence, because excellence is the essence of education is the ability of educational institutions providing media services to creative learning students can excel.
  2.Landasan Juridical School Building and Development Excellence
Government through the Ministry of National Education Republic of Indonesia and the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia is responsible for carrying out the implementation of educational activities as mandated by the law, especially in the Preamble to the Constitution (Constitution) of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 stated that one purpose of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI ) is the nation's intellectual life. In line with the opening of the Constitution is that education is a fundamental right of every Indonesian citizen and to do that every Indonesian citizen has the right to obtain a quality education in accordance with the interests and talents regardless of social status, economic status, race, ethnicity, religion, and gender, as mandated in Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System.
In the trunk of which the constitution is Article 20, Article 21, Article 28 C Paragraph (1), Article 31, and Pasalg 32, also mandates that the government establish and conduct a national education system to increase faith and devotion to God Almighty and noble character in the framework of the intellectual life of the nation governed by law. National education system should be able to ensure equal educational opportunities, improving quality and relevance and efficiency of education management to meet the challenge in accordance with the demands for changes in local, national, and global. To that end, education reform needs to be done in a planned, purposeful, and continuous.
Also explained in section 35 of the National Education Standards in paragraph 1 reads: "... the national education standards consist of content standards, processes, competence of graduates, educational personnel, facilities and infrastructure, management, financing, and educational assessment that must be improved in a planned and periodic . ... ".
The spirit of the law as described above into the spirit of every stakeholder and education providers are required to follow the implementation of minimum standards of education in each unit or the type and level of education. Motivation to improve education quality at every level and type of education could be more assertive government described in Rule No. 19 of 2005 stated in the description in the regulation reads:
"... National education standards that are intended to spur managers, organizers, and educational units in order to improve its performance in providing quality education services. In addition, national education standards are also intended as a tool to promote transparency and public accountability in the implementation of the national education system, ... load the minimum criteria of an educational component that allows all levels of education and pathways to develop in an optimal education in accordance with the characteristics and uniqueness of the program ... " .
Complementing the government regulations on national education standards and the government tried to describe the underlying implementation of quality education and berstandart with ministerial regulations that govern the more technical aspects of the education towards excellence. One satua between ministerial regulations which form the basis set quality improvement or educational excellence units is Ministerial Decree No. 63 of 2009 stated that: "... assurance of quality education is a systemic and integrated activities by unit or educational programs, organizers unit or program of education, local government, government, and communities to raise the intelligence level of national life through education.
The ministerial regulation concerning the implementation of education quality assurance system, that the cutting edge technically is a program manager of education is the school itself. The schools, especially principals and teachers and other education personnel have a very important role to maintain and improve the quality of education towards excellence.
One more device as the juridical basis for creating excellence-based education providers are Permendiknas No. 32 of 2005, about the Strategic Plan (Strategic Plan) Kemendiknas one sound among the dictum that underlies the importance of a superior education that is: "... RPPNJP has been translated into the four themes of development education, namely the theme of development I (2005 - 2009) with a focus on capacity building and modernization; theme development II (2010 - 2015) with a focus on strengthening services; theme development III (2015 - 2020) with a focus on strengthening the competitiveness regional, and theme development IV (2020 - 2025) with a focus on strengthening the international competitiveness. Furthermore, in Article 50, paragraph 5 which states "the government district / municipality to manage basic education and secondary education, and education unit based local excellence".
  3.Ciri and Dynamics Superior School Management System
Schools that have the characteristics of excellence can be observed from the aspect of education kepengelolaan conducted by the principal, according to Purkey and Smith in (DeRoche: 1987), Scheerens and Bosker (1997) in Samijo that: "... features of effective school is a school-based management and decision democratic decision, leadership intruksional, masksimal time learning, collaborative planning, and the patterns of collegial relationships among teachers.
Schools 'flagship' is a school that has indicators: (1) academic achievement and non-academic in above-average school in their district (2) facilities and infrastructure seta a more complete service, (3) a better system of learning and study time longer, (4) through a fairly rigorous selection of applicants, (5) obtain amino greatly from society, as evidenced by the number of applicants compared bayaknya classroom capacity, and (6) school fees are higher than disekitarya school.
Describing the school excels in the context of the educational process is a creative learning culture of students, that school is a medium superior to the process of growth and development of student creativity. It seems once winning school characteristics were:
a.Schools have safe and orderly environment
b.School have a vision and specific targets to be achieved
c.School have strong leadership
d.A high expectations from school personnel (principals, teachers and other staff including students) to excel
e.The school staff development continued in accordance with the demands of science and technology
f.The continuous evaluation ofvarious aspects of academis and administrative and utilitazion of the results for the refinement and improvement
g.The curriculum and intensive support and parents / community
The emergence of creativity in student learning with the demands of the value of excellence, is influenced by all components in the school, that they try to always think about mmerlukan superior school of management (management of) the school or education towards integrated quality demands. Because the demands of integrated quality is not merely to meet the internal needs of students in school, but trying to meet the needs of the wider realization of the roles of education in order to fill the needs of industry or the business community and other social interests in society .
The amount of public demands for education, the educational institutions are required to push towards the integrated quality improvement in order to reach excellence, integrated quality as a goal in the organization of learning activities at each educational unit, the superior condition of the school environment have principles, namely:
a.Achieving quality is a process that knows no end
b.Improving quality is an ongoing process, not a one-way program.
c.Qualities equires leadership from the school board members and administrators
d.The Training, for example, is a prerequisite of quality
e.Any people at school get a training school.
Schools that establish yourself as an institutional quality or excellence as a goal, then schools need to formulate and define the vision and mission of education, therefore, every element that is in school prosecuted involved in the process of formulating and determining the vision and mission schools. So the vision of this mission will be the slogan for all of the civitas of education in these schools understand the values ​​of excellence that exist, ranging from the uppermost level of the principal in charge and responsible in determining the policies of school quality, and the board of teachers on duty planning and implementation process of learning in the classroom, until the elements of technical implementation of the educational staff as actors at all times dealing with the duties and responsibilities to help the implementation of these educational activities.
Chaerdar Al Wasilah mention that the school is establishing itself as an excellent educational institution is able to articulate the seven verses schools excel in the everyday implementation of education, namely: a) establish a clear vision of the school's mission, b) sealu committed to excel in all aspects so that the energy for change from culture to culture superior to conventional, c) a capable leadership that principals 'leader of leaders, not leaders from the followers', d) kesemptan to always learn and setting clear time, e) environment that is not oppressive but conducive to learning and teaching, f) the occurrence of a good relationship between school and parents, g) perform periodic monitoring ".
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