Sunday, October 9, 2011

Patterns for Community Empowerment.

Empowering (empower) is often translated as an effort to give strength to people or groups who are weak or poor, to make them aware of the situation himself and in turn they can take action to get out of the circle of poverty.
Another view relates to power. According to this view of empowerment is to divide the power of the person or keompok people in power (powerful) to those who do not have them (powerless) to enable the balance anatara rulers and ruled, so the trick conditions (disempower) does not occur. In terms of empowerment (empowerment) can be contained either view it.
The concept of empowerment emerged from the idea that a man is as weak as any, certainly has potential, however small, in him. This potential can be developed so that they can escape from weakness, ignorance, poverty, and squalor. Some experts define empowerment as a process of helping individuals, groups inividu, or society, in creating new understanding while providing the freedom to make choices (Weissglass, 1990);
 The process provides an opportunity to create a variety of special contributions in the form of knowledge, skills, specific energy, or in the form of giving attention to others (Irwin, 1995);. The process of increasing the forces from within the person, such as competence and creativity, as well as improving ornag freedom in action (Robinson, 1994); The process of improving internal controls in the ability to solve problems independently (Glickman, 1989).
The concept of empowerment gives the connotation of its own determination on an individual basis on his life, and participate democratically in the life of the community through straktur are available, such as schools, houses of worship, oragnisasi-social organizations, and other environments. Empowerment implies a psychological (or a view on the effect of self-control) and concern about the actual social influence, political power and truth are essential. It is a multilevel construct that is applied to individuals as citizens, organizations, and the environment.
Of some definitions and understanding of the concept of empowerment in the above - and many others - Torre (in Parson, 1994) suggests the following definition, that of empowerment: A process through the which people Become strong enough to Participate within share in the control of, and influence Their events affecting the institution and live, (And that in part), empowerment necessitates That particular people gain skills, knowledge, and sufficient power to influence Their lives and the lives Those They care about.
Goals To empower local communities.
Ditujuakan empowerment to vulnerable groups or kuramg lucky, namely:
1) The weakness is structural (primary structural disadvantaged groups), covering class (poor, unemployed, low paid workers), gender (female), and race / ethnicity (pribumu residents who are a minority;
2) Group specific weak (for other disadvantaged groups), such as old people, children and youth, disabled, isolated communities, and
3) Group in a personal weakness (the personally disadvantaged), namely those who are experiencing a personal and family problems.
Judging from the groups that need to be empowered, empowerment strategies and objectives are to meningkalkan power of these groups. The process of empowerment of disadvantaged groups (helpless) is performed starting from the level of policy and planning, social and political action, to directly through education and awareness. The purpose of awareness itself is so keompok disadvantaged groups have the ability to do: or power:
1) Power to determine pitihan-personal choices and life opportunities.
Many people who only memihki little power in determining his own life, make decisions about your lifestyle, where he lived and the type of work. PiMhan choice was strongly influenced by structural factors, so the strategy seeks penberdayaan meniaksimalkan effective options to increase the power in taking decisions, including decisions about its future.
2) Power to define needs.
It often happens in cases of community development, community needs is more determined by others, such as elite, expert, but what they decide not to touch the needs of the community the truth. So Haras empowerment perspective seeks to provide knowledge and skills to communities so that they are able to identify danmendefinisikan needs.
3) Power to give him ideas.
The idea involves a desire that is in oneself, that not everyone is easy to express them. The process of empowerment of trying to make people capable of thinking and devote their views and ideas, and not dictated from the other party. Disclosure of the idea by them were encouraged to be expressed in the forums, to engage in dialogue with others.
4) Power to take advantage of institutional sources and other sources ..
Powerlessness often arise from institutional influences, such as system: education, health, family, social welfare, media, and others. Because of this empowerment strategy aimed at increasing empowerment of these institutions and their effects, by transforming it to be accessible and utilized by everyone, not just by those in power only. Often found condition, in which some people have limited access to resources that are available. There Kalupun kases to the source, was less flexible in their utilization, such as banking monetary sources, and non-monetary sources of education, recreation, and others. Peoses empowerment seeks to optimize the empowerment of all persons within the distribution and use of available resources, and improve the gaps in access to those resources.
5) Power to conduct economic activity.
Due to economic activity directly affects the person's life, then society should be empowered to exercise control and access to economic activities and mechanisms.
Experience and Model and Case in the Community Empowerment Program
Although not the only group targeted empowerment activities, but the focus of the main goals of community empowerment is the bottom layer of society, suburbs, and rural areas. Why the group preferred?. Because the group is still much reflects the weaknesses and deficiencies in self-reliance, independence, participation, social solidarity, skills, critical attitude, personal communication systems, transformative insight, the low quality and standard of living (Karjono, 1988: 33).
Community empowerment efforts must be made in three ways. Pertarna, or ikhm create an atmosphere that allows the potential for developing societies. This condition is based on the assumption that every individual and community groups memihki potential can be developed. The process of community empowerment is deeply rooted in the potential of each individual's independence, which then extends to the family, and community groups. Secondly, strengthening the potential or power dimifiki by citizens by implementing concrete measures, accommodates various inputs, provides a variety of facilities and infrastructure. Opening of access to various opportunities will make people more helpless, as the availability of funding institutions, training, and marketing in rural areas. Third, also means empowering communities to protect and defend the interests of the weak. In the process of empowerment should be avoided, even more marginalized and the weak weaker, while the strong hertambah strong.
Community empowerment programs launched by both govern-ers as well as by non-governmental institutions, such as NGOs or NGOs. Empowerment programs that launched the government is that through the programs of government departments or non-departmental agencies.
In the new order of government we know the efforts to empower the poor through gprogram Instruction underdeveloped villages (IDT) known at that time as a program to alleviate poverty in communities, villages, remote, or underdeveloped. Department whose role is the Ministry of Home Affairs. Blueprint for the IDT program had actually contains a lot of theoretical aspects as expressed in the future. In its approach, there are two important sapek, namely participatory and decentralized. Participatory aspects of community involve citizens, especially the target groups in decision making from the planning, implementation, control, until the utilization of the results. Concerned with aspects of decentralized decision-making authority decrease in development planning and implementation to the government (the village). Implementation of both approaches, among others, appears from the effort of "left entirely" pemanfataan IDT funds to the poor. The poor are considered the most knowledgeable and most urgent needs of the business they can do. In this case the poor are placed as "objects", ie subject to the program, but even more as a "subject", namely the ruling (and able) to make and execute its own program, through the steps of: participation, namely the stage of decision making (the program ), the implementation of decisions, utilization of the results, and evaluation .. With demikiatf empowerment is an attempt to build a power (which exist in society) to push to motivate, and raise awareness of their potential and strive to develop it. IDT funds themselves are used as an inducement for the poor to cultivate, strengthen the ability, as well as open up opportunities in order to improve his life.
The main components of the empowerment process are:
(1) The establishment of the group,
(2) Mentoring,
(3) Planning and implementation of activities.
Group formation, ie Self-Help Groups (SHGs), is the first step of empowerment, where the poor are given the freedom to form and move in a group which it set up, and instead imposed a group formed by the other party.
 Pembetnukan emphasis on the principles of community groups to realize the spirit and cooperative activities. Group formation provides a foundation for the creation of social cohesion of group members. Each individual in the group given the freedom to determine the drain group, chosen by musywarah together. Further members of the managers hold regular meetings to formulate measures and activities to be conducted, including address and overcome the problems facing the group or each member.
Advisory function is very crucial in fostering group activities. Companion serves as a facilitator (guide), communicator (liaison), and dynamist (activator), in the formation and smoothness of group activities. Assistance activities can be done in several ways, including by:
(1) local Consort composed of community leaders, PKK cadres, officials of local dea, Leader of Rural Development, or any parties who care about the problem of rural poverty, such as university, NGOs and so on.
(2) technical assistants from FEA technical departments, such as the Agricultural Extension Field (PPL) and the Agricultural Extension Specialist (PPS) from the Ministry of Agriculture; District Social Officer (PSK) from the Ministry of Social Affairs, including the Karang Taruna; Family Planning Field Officer (PLKB) of BKKBN; Self Employment Professionals (TKMP) of the Department of Work Tanaga; Bachelor Mover Rural Development (SP3) from the Ministry of National Education.
(3) special assistants provided for the poor in underdeveloped villages with special pemtjinaan, which is programmed through the Graduate Assistance Puma Time (SP2W) aengan Bappenes coordination, naker, Ministry of Social Affairs.
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the overall program, Dipdiknas, Dep being waged for the alleviation of rural poverty that exists behind a successful, albeit small only. But that does not work the numbers so much. This means that the process of empowerment is lacking or even not running properly. As for the cause among other factors:
(1) No helplessness role of companion and other levels of government to the practice of personal interse ranks of village government. Companion is less intensive in interacting with members of the group as they often did not attend the group meetings. Kepentingah conflict between society at large by village officials who won by village officials.
(2) cohesion of the group is not formed, which is caused by the failure to form a homogeneous group as a layer, or because of too large number of group members. Similarly aduknya mixed group members who came from poor and not poor, plus chairman KSM specified / designated by village officials resulted in a conflict of interest between group members can not be avoided.
(3) Selaim struktral problems of the poor who beat up a personal interse village officials or coating that is stronger, well mechanisms of supervision, coordination, monitoring and evaluation have not or do not even walk properly.
(4) The dimensions of the structural-cultural and systemic dimensions that exist in understanding the nature of poverty akari is still too strong to be penetrated. Structural dimension of poverty is the poverty atmosphere that originates mainly in the social structure prevailing in a society. And cultural dimension is the resignation of a group of people because it caught on a variety of shortcomings so that they appear not to have the initiative, passion, and not dynamic to change their bad luck. Dimensional structural-cultural validity implies social relationships and social interactions are typical in the community - patron-client - which resulted in the persistence of customs that restrict initiative and community spirit to flourish. The description of structural-cultural dimensions are supported by the systemic dimensions of poverty that sees certain patterns pengotrolan against a system-its political, economic, social, and cultural force in society, tend to benefit those who already are in a better position.
In the era of reform, community empowerment program in the same breath with the IDT program is a program of social safety net (JPS), which was launched in various sectors of life and community groups. In this kind of empowerment programs, funding assistance is directed and delivered directly to the target groups. The weakness of this program somewhat similar course with the IDT program, although there are many successful programs.
Speaking of community empowerment program, would not be released from the role of community organizations, particularly the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), or Non-Governmental Organizatios (NGOs), or NGOs. Their role appears in the approach he used, namely the approach of community development or community empowerment approach, through the establishment of organizations, among others: Self Bina, Bina Desa, Forum for Environment (WALHI), Dian Desa Institute Dian Desa,
Bina Swadaya. Bina Swadaya focusing on developing non-governmental organizations and aims to keep the public are able to solve their own problems by forming and organizing Self-Help Groups (SHGs) are oriented increase in revenue (income generating). Strategy program developed by Bina Swadaya there are five, namely: (1) human resource development programs covering a wide range of education and training, (2) institutional development program groups, among which include help setting up the mechanism of the organization, management, administration, and household rules , (3) self-help program with a system of capital accumulation of savings and credit member, (4) Program development of productive enterprises, including production business, services, and marketing, (5) The program providing appropriate information.
Bina Desa. Bina Desa has a mission to participate actively in order to realize a just and democratic society. The general objective of Bina Desa is the realization of community life in a humane, equitable and prosperous society are achieved through the path of democracy both in the political dimension, economic, social, and cultural. While the aim in particular is, the creation of a state where a strong public position in determining the life of society, nation 'and bemegara, in the fields of social, economic, political, and cultural activities-kegiatnnay include, among others: (1) Serving the growth and development of community initiatives through facilitation and technical assistance, (2) Implement the togetherness and solidarity in diversity of the community for the development of access and empowerment movements, (3). Facilitating the creation of space for democratic activity, (4) To appoint the current voice to influence public opinion, (5) Develop educational system that strengthens the position of the people, (6) Reform the productive economic resources.
Forum for Environment (WALHI). WALHI was formed as a forum for communication, which generally mehputi training activities, research, public education, and communication. The main strategy used is to increase public awareness through seminars and activities, campaigns, and training. The orientation of the development of rescue and pemnafaatan adalaha environment.
Institute (Yayasan) Dian Desa (YDD).  Foundation activities was focused on the transfer (transfer) of appropriate technology is applied into the lives of rural communities in the framework of efforts to improve their welfare, especially those oriented basic needs. Included in dalmnya development activities in the field of social and economic such as generating income, education, training, and marketing.
Other programs of community empowerment are also focused on peasant society, groups of workers, women's groups. Empowerment of farmers berlahan narrow - or even do not have land - is very urgent. The reason, the condition of the farming communities of this kind is, in addition to the ekomi helpless, also widened by the low level of their education, in addition to the external intervention. Then the farmer empowerment strategy include the transmigration program, increased education, and increasing the role of social institutions of society is seen as quite appropriate.
Empowerment groups of workers, in an effort to strengthen its potential and power that includes increased education and training, provision of access and fesflitas that workers obtain a 'better life, namely through improved wages and the provision of Social Security  (Jamsostek), granting them protection and alignments . Meanwhile, the empowerment of women as equals to men, meUputi economic empowerment, psychological empowerment (making them aware of themselves and what diingjnkannya), pemerdayaan social-cultural, and political empowerment.
From the brief description on the face can be concluded, that the concept of empowerment is applied in the context of Indonesian society, still requires pencermatan, ke'uletan, and the long struggle of the parties who are competent, with a variety of structural constraints, cultural, psychological, and social faces. But it should be remembered that there is always a chance - to empower the people within the existing power structure - without the need - Challenging the existing power structure by disempowering the power elite.
Out of School Education in Community Empowerment.
The process of empowerment is a holistic approach, including economic empowerment, psychological, socio-cultural, and political. In the process of empowerment, education, particularly outside of school, a key factor and a very strategic position. From the standpoint of education, empowerment is suaru process, in which a person or group of individuals gain an understanding of the forces of social, cultural, economic, and political environment or outside the self or group, and can control / utilizing the power-keuatan to improve life position in society.
Thus, out of school education for empowerment is defined as: an approach or strategy of education (outside school) in which students or residents to learn inemperoleh a deep understanding of the forces of social, cultural, economic, and political environment or the outside environment , and use through: (1) the implementation of all aspects of the learning process, (2) studying both the content / materials and process skills to meet needs and solve his problems, and (3) Work together to solve common problems.
Education programs outside of school as a process of empowerment, containing eight common characteristics, which in some aspects relevant to the characteristics of the community empowerment program in general, namely:
(1) The structure of small groups. Early development of the program starts from the formation of small groups. Limited number of group members, about 10 to 15 people. The small group that formed it could be an entirely new group, or use an existing group. Its membership consists of those same age group, or combination of groups of different ages. Prose empowerment emphasis on action / collective activity, which menunutut a group have a particular child's stage. To arrive at a certain stage of development that often takes time and a solid framework for process maturity is achieved.
(2) The transfer of responsibility (the transfer of responsibility). Means the transfer of responsibility, which was originally the responsibility in the hands of the facilitator gradually became the responsibility of the citizens group learning. The transfer of responsibility occurs gradually, so it reached the stage of "full ownership group" by the residents learned, and overall responsibility of the smooth operation of the group. The transfer of that responsibility should start from the preparation stage of program planning, implementation and evaluasihya activities. Gradually the difference in status between the status of the facilitator should be reduced to the status of resident learning.
(3) Participatory Leadership (leadership participant) participatory leadership should be studied, because during this time residents are accustomed and conditioned learning in the community for passive culture. Citizen participation in the process of learning can be enhanced through active learner control and practice skills sharing.
(4) As a facilitator agent (agent as facilitator). Agents of community empowerment, such as counselors, mentors and so forth, should not act as an instructor or teacher, but as fesih'tator, which acts as an enabler, connecting, problem-solving path giver, catalyst, and so on. To have that kind fasilitaor not the only aspect of selection, but even more training given to them should be sufficient, both in terms of wakt or material.
(5) The relationships and processes of democratic and non-hierarkhik (democratic and non-hierarchical relationships and processes). Everyday life and personal relationships in the learning process between the facilitator and the citizens should learn to be democratic, and not hierarchical, where the facilitator put themselves no more important and higher than the residents learned, but in the same status as mutual-learning and membelajarkan.
(6) Integration of reflection and action (Integration of reflection and action). Reflection is an activity of awareness and understanding of issues outside of themselves (which is not recognized as a problem) to be a problem itself, which was followed by concrete action or activity. Both of these integrated Haras, and can be grown and improved raelalui learning experiences (experiential learning process), based on actual problems and needs of learning. Depth analysis of problems and needs is very important in the learning process, and it requires a trained facilitator.
(7) The methods that can increase the confidence of the citizens to learn (methods the which promotes self-reliance). These methods are often not designed from the beginning, but it appears in real conditions in the field. Misahiya become confident with practice in real activity that requires self-confidence. Capability for self-confidence is related to process skills: how to get information, how to use certain skills, and how to solve the problem. Learning methods that can improve self-confidence (discussion, brainstorming, simulation, etc.) can be used as an initial fertilization of confidence.
(8) Improvement in the position of social, economic, and / or politics. (¬ Improv ement in social, economic, and / or political standing). Improvements in social position, economic, political (and cultural), is a long-term goal, towards which the empowerment oriented. To achieve this it is necessary to have indicators, both short term in a short time-limited, jangja medium, and long term. Residents learn to be involved in compiling these indicators, so that they realize what they will accomplish.
By considering the eight common characteristics mentioned above, the dimensions of educational programs outside of school as a process of empowerment is as follows:
Group structure. Emphasis on the autonomous small group activities. Members of the group as the residents learned backgrounds, concerns, and interests, joined in a team that has its own identity and pride
Setting Time. Determined by the residents learned as a member of the group; informal meetings in a place / community of citizens learning environment.
Role of Citizens Learning. Coaching to develop the ability to make decisions together, collaborating with fasilitaor in various aspects of the program. Leadership, responsibility, and others sharing the role of (shared) among members and with fasilitor.
The role of facilitator. Encourage and help residents learn to perform their own activities, assist them in designing and implementing their own learning experience. No directive, emphasizing on the submission of the issue and questioned, so the ability to critically menganalaisis on residents learning increases.
Studying the relationship between citizens and the Facilitator. Not stressed and even avoided relations "guru-disciple". The relationship changed gradually throughout the learning process goes, the residents learned growing activeness, while the less active facilitator. Based on mutual respect.
Asestnen / Needs Assessment. The need often arises is not a matter of real life people learn. Therefore need to be identified through a process of dialogue between citizens to learn, and between citizens learning with the facilitator. This activity is an ongoing process berlamgsung.
Curriculum Development. Ongoing sustainable, are open. The general objective formulated at wal learning, but the specific goals and learning plans drawn up from one meeting to the next meeting.
Subjects. Not a subject that children learn in school, but based on the problems facing residents learn. Facilitators help people learn to identify, develop, and assess their problems. Based on this analysis to determine what residents want to learn to learn, and identify resources available to learn it. Content / material includes two regions, namely goal-related process of group problem solving, and goal related material information, skills, or proek community activities in which citizens learn their own decide.
Pembelaiaran tool. Usually not packed. Developed by the facilitator and / or residents to learn as a tool to stimulate the identification and analysis of the problem, peninmgkatan self-expression. And help activities of the group. Included in this learning tool photographs, audio tapes, bulletins, game simulation tools, and so on.
Methods. The methods that support the structured group activities, such as discussion groups, mastery of skills, planning and project implementation.
Evaluation. Residents learn continuously evaluate their own progress, and its effect on communities, as well as making revisions to the program if necessary. Residents learn not evaluated, but they are the evaluator himself with rocks facilitator. Simple evaluation instrument could be developed with rocks facilitator, so that citizens can learn to use it 'with ease.

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